Are you trying to bring someone else into your corner with your stupid rhetorical questions?
If you don't answer the question, you're a cocksucker, but if you suck cock, you will.
So what will it be, Whiny? answer me!!!!
so its the Liberals that want of cut spending for education?I think it's clearly you that brought up the question of how much we should be spending, so the question is, are you lying now, or just stupid?
got it. Originally Posted by CJ7
I think it's clearly you that brought up the question of how much we should be spending, so the question is, are you lying now, or just stupid?
You don't want education spending cuts. I just want to know how much you think we SHOULD be spending on education. You refuse to answer. Which means you are blowing posts out your ass. Which is normal for you.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Are you trying to bring someone else into your corner with your stupid rhetorical questions?I think he is ignoring your stupid ass...LOL
If you don't answer the question, you're a cocksucker, but if you suck cock, you will.
So what will it be, Whiny? answer me!!!! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
My feeling is that these were government employees doing what government employees do. Not all, certainly, but a good number of them. They were more concerned for and about their own jobs than they were about the students entrusted to their care. These students and their parents were being told lies about academic achievement that simply did not exist. Parents were given the false impression that their children were doing well when, in fact, they were failing … all of this to make the teachers and administrators look good. What’s a child’s future when a teacher’s job and possible bonus money for the boss is at stake.
And oh yeah! This is limited only to Atlanta. Right? You believe that! Right? YOUR government schools are just wonderful, right? This could NEVER happen in the exemplary government school your child attends. Right?
so its the Liberals that want of cut spending for education?New York and Washington DC have the highest per-student public school funding in the United States of America. If the Liberal "more funding means better public schools" meme had any validity whatsoever, we would expect to see New York and Washington DC at least somewhere in the middle, if not actually at the top, of public schools, when ranked by quality and academic results.
got it. Originally Posted by CJ7