North Korea?????

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They would all be volunteers, properly trained, and properly compensated. They would be contractors. Come on! Use some sense, you can't talk about that other stuff here and no one was talking about it.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 04-08-2013, 05:56 AM
Sure they would be "volunteers" to get the hell out of that place. Doesn't mean that would want, or even enjoy doing what you propose. So yes, indeed, use some common sense.
all I know about the NK situation is what I see on SNL/daily show.
Watching the news isnt useful anymore.
Kim is just trying to flex! He is the new kid in prison and picking a fight with the biggest inmate he can find....U.S.!
FrankieP's Avatar
He doesn't have the capability to hit the mainland US, but he could hit Guam, where we have bases, Taiwan, Japan, etc.

Will he? I doubt it. For all of his saber rattling he must know that we would wipe him off the map if he actually tried anything. And I doubt China is very interested in jumping it to save him considering their entire economy is based on selling shit to the US.
Bomb Pop's Avatar
Misawahawk's Avatar
North Korea is just trying to bring the US to the negotiating table so they can get economic aid. Truth is we can't afford a war with them. Sure we would win, but we would lose a lot of people and it would cost more than Iraq/ Afghanistan combined.
Before everyone starts thinking that China doesn't have N Koreas back... you may want to read this. You won't hear Jon Stewart or Brian Williams report this.
dirty dog's Avatar
Before everyone starts thinking that China doesn't have N Koreas back... you may want to read this. You won't hear Jon Stewart or Brian Williams report this. Originally Posted by Leanna
China cares about North Korea right up to the point we quit feeding them. They cannot produce enough food to feed themselves and are heavily dependent on food produced in the united states and traded to China in lou of cash as payment for monies borrowed.
China is buying up farmland in Africa and South America to solve that problem.
dirty dog's Avatar
China is buying up farmland in Africa and South America to solve that problem. Originally Posted by lacrew_2000
Africa is not the best habitat to grow food, you have extreme drought, then an extreme wet season, your not going to grow wheat and corn in Africa not to the extent needed. China is purchasing land in Africa and South America to mine for gold.
ElumEno's Avatar
All I know is if you own any stock in glass you need to sell it now...

Account at the rate that they are going there is going to be a big glass factory opening up in North Korea soon.
Misawahawk's Avatar
Elam- good God I hope not. That could be WWW 3
ElumEno's Avatar
I don't think it will ever come to that...
but you can bet that he has so many laser scopes on him that his white shirt looks like it has red polka dots.

(Yes I know that is from too many movies... a good marksman would never use a laser scope)
Bartman1963's Avatar
Never underestimate the stupidity of a despot. Can he attack US bases and our Asian Friends? Yes.
However, what this current round of bellicosity stems from is two issues. Their leader is a Narcissist. He wants to be a big man. And his people are starving. Some reports tell of Fathers eating children. So to satisfy both he can rattle his little saber, and he can scare the hell out of his people so they don't concentrate on starvation. So in my opinion this is simply about their leader trying to look impressive to his people and bask in their adulation while keeping them scared so they won't notice it's bark and grasshoppers for dinner. Again.
One thing about what Bush did in Iraq. He did show all the potential Saddam's out there that we will get in a long term war with them if they fuck with us (and in Iraq's case even if they really don't but the President has a hard on for them.)
IMHO China wants to collect what we owe them a lot more than they care about NK. They don't however want nuclear fallout drifting over Peking. So my guess is they will force NK to shut the hell up. When it suits them.