Fox News is a credible news source according to the MSM

When Beck left Fox his show had 1.9 million household viewers............

Know what Rachel Maddow ratings are ? Maddow is MSNBCs biggest ratings draw.....

1, 05 milliion households on April 1st..............Beck's reruns were pulling in higher ratings that Maddow that is funny.

And the new MSNBC show All In With Chris Hayes?

An estimated 639,000 households, lower than Headline News; the ratings were so slow Neilsen said it was almost un-measureable !

The only way liberalism sells is when it is government subsidized (think NPR/PBS) and when it is shoved down our throats and passed in the middle of the night by politicians (Think Obamacare).
Beck wasn't "fired", he quit Fox.

Facts matter to some...............

And Fox News is more credible, successful, and informative than CNN or MSNBC......and the broadcast news formats are meaningless....30 minutes of "news" presented at the end of the day.....most people already know what went on in the world prior to coming home at 6 pm..........that is why city newspapers eliminated the late edition decades ago...................

Fact that Obama's low information voters watch garbage TV............and likely remain ignorant because they watch the liberal biased CNN or MSNBC if they aren't watch crap tv. Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Whirrly the #1 Beckazoid...
Feel free to post a fact every now and then I'vaGotNoNuts !
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  • 04-08-2013, 01:43 PM
Feel free to post a fact every now and then I'vaGotNoNuts ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Feel free to post a fact every now and then I'vaGotNoNuts ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Naw, facts scare the shit out of you that doesn't leave much of you left.
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When Beck left Fox his show had 1.9 million household viewers............

Know what Rachel Maddow ratings are ? Maddow is MSNBCs biggest ratings draw.....

1, 05 milliion households on April 1st..............Beck's reruns were pulling in higher ratings that Maddow that is funny.

And the new MSNBC show All In With Chris Hayes?

An estimated 639,000 households, lower than Headline News; the ratings were so slow Neilsen said it was almost un-measureable !

The only way liberalism sells is when it is government subsidized (think NPR/PBS) and when it is shoved down our throats and passed in the middle of the night by politicians (Think Obamacare). Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Uh-OH! Whirly's trending FOX again!
Feel free to post a fact every now and then I'vaGotNoNuts ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You wouldn't recognize a fact if it struck you square between your crossed-up beady little eyes.

On a more interesting note....if the MSM says FOX is a legitimate news organization....and, if as posited by all the wingers here for years, that the MSM does not tell the truth. Well, you see what I am getting at.
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  • 04-08-2013, 05:21 PM
Fox News is a credible news source according to the MSM
/ Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
butttttttttttttttt according to you nitwits the MSM is not credible. So by your logic, you should no longer think Fox is credible if the MSM says they are.

butttttttttttttttt according to you nitwits the MSM is not credible. So by your logic, you should no longer think Fox is credible if the MSM says they are.

Originally Posted by WTF
Hey! I posted it first.
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  • WTF
  • 04-08-2013, 05:23 PM
Beck wasn't "fired", he quit Fox.

Facts matter to some...............

. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
They let him quit before they fired his ass...
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  • WTF
  • 04-08-2013, 05:28 PM
Hey! I posted it first. Originally Posted by timpage
LOL, yes I didn't see it though. These Tea pots can't make up their minds. Whirly does not realize that Fox fired Glenn Beck because he was killing the GOP chances of winning back the WH and congress.