Your lying again, Assup. I quoted the source several times. Quit painting yourself into a corner. You're a phony patriot, and a phony American. Dipshit. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyOh, but your patriotism and love of our country just shines through here every you advocate changing our national symbol to a rubber. All you do is talk about how much you love America, while constantly and endlessly hating on Americans.
Love America, intensely disagree with the government and where they are taking us. There is a difference between nationalism and patriotism. Look it up. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyYou never have one positive thing to say about America or Americans.....unless, of course, they are Libertarian moonbeams.
Wrong, Timmy. Never say never, because you are lying. I rarely say good things about the government. That is true, because they have drifted so far from what made America great. That being individual liberty and personal responsibility. America is the greatest experiment in self government the world has ever known. There has never been a document which more perfectly establishes the rule of law, with allowing the maximum freedom, as the US Constitution. The Constitution has been amended several times to keep up with changes in society, some for the good, some for the bad. The real problem with the Constitution is that sleazy politicians and shyster lawyers have tried, and succeeded in amending the Constitution through judicial fiat, to the point where the Constitution is essentially meaningless.Just another
America can only be found within the confines of the Constitution. What goes on outside the Constitution is not America, and is not great. It's a bastardization of the name America, and I am trying to restore America to greatness.
You love the plot of ground on which you were born, Timmy, and think that it is America. I love America as an ideal, the land of the free and the home of the brave. We are not living in the America that was founded in 1776. We are living in a faux America which occupies the same real estate, but not the same values and ideals that truly embody America. Ideals and values are worth defending. I shall continue to do so. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy