Justin Scott, paging Justin Scott

ZedX79's Avatar
Thank you Zed took exactly 5 minutes for you to prove my point. Originally Posted by lesbianbob
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Great post CFE....

Unfortunately I believe that on an SHMB the only way it changes is either it starts from the top down where they don't allow certain types of behavior to continue or the ones that don't like it simply ignore it. You can speak up as much as you like but the truth is the more you acknowledge it goes on the more they thrive. Words here only have as much effect as you let them and for the goods words to actually affect the change you want then they have to affect the ones you are directing them at and unfortunately I don't see that happening.
dearhunter's Avatar
Me neither..........ijs
  • Mr. B
  • 04-12-2013, 04:19 PM
I can't agree more with lesbianbob, sensualsanaa and thecfe, great comments, but freedom of speech must prevail, if we go down the path of sensorship where will it stop. There are jerks in every walk of life. I do applaud bob for stepping up and taking a stand. Possibly if people challenged the negativity more often it would have a positive impact. I tend to not give the negatives the time of day, why justify them with a comment, furthermore most of the positive people don't have the time to mess with it.
boardman's Avatar
I have relatively few reviews because the vast majority of my clientele can be quoted as saying they would never post here.
Originally Posted by theCFE
Yet they know about the place, probably have a handle and lurk without ever posting reviews or establishing themselves as a presence on the board. Without some kind of presence they aren't contributing back channel info either so they are just using the board for their own purposes but not giving back.

The best way not to be ridiculed is to not be stupid. Justin Scott is a prime example of how to come onto the board, become a respected member, contribute and in return receive good information.

People that come on the board with an attitude, or stupid questions that have been beat to death and could have easily been answered using the search function deserve what they get. Some of us enjoy the board for the entertainment value it provides. Is that wrong? Do we not belong. It's a community? If everyone behaved exactly the same way, posted reviews in exactly the same way, had no opinions or passions then it would be a very dull board.

I've said this before. Yes, we have secret handshakes, code words and old stories that get better with time. Many guys, like me, who have been on here a while have learned a lot from others, put our trust in them to some extent to establish our own credibility and have come out clean on the other side. When you do that you feel like you've been through a right of passage and don't like it when others thinck they are above having to earn the same.

Again, this thread is about JS and as far as I'm concerned he did it the right way, sure he took some shit for his preferences sometimes but he owned it and realized that this was just a SHMB and didn't get upset. He earned the respect of a lot of us fucktards for that. I hope he is happy wherever life has taken him.

See ya Bro!

Eccie Addict's Avatar
Couldn't agree more BM.....

I believe that ladies and gentlemen with class will always be appreciated. There is so much more to the hobby than just physical interaction. Social, intellectual, and emotional discourse are vital ingredients to the equation - a good session can be satisfying on many levels... A great session can be borderline therapeutic. Those who choose to interact on only one level, however, wind up not even knowing what they are missing out on. The main thrust of the argument should be this - we are all adults here. Let's act like it. Originally Posted by theCFE
So true! We're all here for companionship. For some it's all about sex, others fulfill fantasies and fetishes. Some are addicted to it and need the next notch on their belt, while others are here simply for companionship, an ear to listen, or simply an escape from everyday life. Whatever the reason, if you show respect you get respect.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
I wish I had been active during Mr Scott's tenure. Sounds very intriguing.
lesbianbob's Avatar
BNI you should go back and read some of his post, and a few of his reviews. Other than DH's 1 review (that I think is the greatest of all time),any of JS reviews could qualify as top 10 I have read. The dude was a class act all the way.
The purpose of the thread took a turn as I started writing it, and turned into a little bit of a rant.
I appreciate the views of the responders, and I do just want to say, I beleive there is a place to give an honest, even if it is an unflattering opinion, about service, looks, and attitude, that place is in the review forum, or the locker room.
Boardman I do agree about flaming newbies, stupid questions deserve what they get. I guess I hold a double standard for what we fucktards can and should say about each other, and what we should say about the ladies in public areas. Prime example the tard that wanted a lady to respond to his request for a session for $25. That fucktard set himself up, and in my opinion asked for it.
As men we grow up breaking each others balls over everything, in sports, in life that is how I have always interacted with other men. If you cry, i will laugh at you, if you trip and fall, I will make fun of you, if you get shot down, I will remind you about it. We are all assholes to each other.
I just think we should be gentlemen, when it comes to the ladies.

Finally ladies if you have your feelings hurt easily, stay out of the locker room, and dont ask your suck up white knights to show you the private part of the reviews.

This thread or 100 more like wont change anything. Crude behavior by common people will always be around. I am just hoping that some people may curb it, a little.
Sarunga's Avatar
....DH's 1 review (that I think is the greatest of all time).... Originally Posted by lesbianbob
I agree with this completely. He's a class act.
pyramider's Avatar
I cannot figure this out. Why are a bunch of fucktards missing another fucktard that writes a couple of reviews? These tards are the same ones reading the reviews with one hand. Holy fucking Tebow, go get laid and write your own reviews.
starflash's Avatar
Putting aside all this psychoanalysis, Justin's reads were literary gems.........Miss his writing big time, and hopeful we may see it again in the future..............
Wakeup's Avatar
So is this a thread about Justin or a thread about assholes? Let me know so I can respond accordingly...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Come on WU just give us both versions the one if it is about assholes and the one if it's about JS
Wakeup's Avatar
Naw...I'll give the OP a chance here...just one though...