you might not have been a winner with that, but was the girl was the loser?
when i was a kid..i had saved close to $700 hundred bucks, hell you could buy a car for $700... i was working my way through college and getting my share of my dad's VA for his serving in WW II and social security..the VA was $18 a month and the Social Security was $88..a cool $106 every month plus i was making maybe $30 a week when the dorm closed for Christmas break and they made us all leave..i had no where to i caught a bus to las vegas
lost it all and spend 5 days walking and hitch hiking back to texas
Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Interesting. This must of been in the 50s or early 60s. You could probably get a top of the line Vegas hooker for $20 bucks. That's how I would have lost it.