
Oralist's Avatar
Very tragic and sad. I am sorry for all those affected by this chickensh--t person or group.

I am leaning towards a domestic thing, similar to Oklahoma or Austin. Usually, terrorists can't wait to take responsibility and credit for their actions.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Very tragic and sad. I am sorry for all those affected by this chickensh--t person or group.

I am leaning towards a domestic thing, similar to Oklahoma or Austin. Usually, terrorists can't wait to take responsibility and credit for their actions. Originally Posted by Oralist
Yeah, as much as it'd be easy to point the finger at extremist Muslims, my guess is that it's actually not one of them since their groups would love the publicity at being able to carry out an attack in the US like this.
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 04-17-2013, 09:05 AM
While my initial thought was a major foreign group like Al Qaeda I am beginning to doubt that since they usually fall over themselves to claim responsibility and gloat. The only caveat may be that they could have done it but are waiting for their operative to leave the US before claiming. But I think that is unlikely too since their operatives usually don't have a problem being caught or killed.
All wild guessing at this point but the only remaining international possibility I can think of is a state actor like Irans republican guards. They usually do not claim responsibility, they vigorously deny. But then it does seem like and unlikely target for them, they probably would have picked wall street or somewhere in DC. They are more of calculating than random killers.
So I guess that leaves some domestic terrorist possibility - but that leaves the puzzling question of choice of target. The marathon had nothing to do with the government or any political or military group. I can't think of any domestic terrorist action whether from rightwing or leftwing groups where the target did not fit some self-perceived agenda.
No point speculating. I am almost certain the FBI knows more than they are publicly disclosing and we will eventually find the killers.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 04-18-2013, 05:45 PM
I called it! White folks. I figure the Arabs would have done more damage.

Now who thinks what happened in west Texas was a terrorist situation?

Been a bad week of stories on the news.
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Careful with us white folks... Craziest mofo's around...
TX Bulldog's Avatar
I thinck their names are Sunil Tripathi and Mike Mulugeta. at least thats whats being reported. ... First one sounds like an Indian name....second one....who knows.
TX Bulldog's Avatar
Now its reported they're brothers from Chechnya....last name of Tsarnaev, One is dead ....looking for the other one.
  • Mr. B
  • 04-19-2013, 06:20 AM
"white folks", not only were you wrong trey, but why would you make a statement like that?
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 04-19-2013, 06:55 AM
"white folks", not only were you wrong trey, but why would you make a statement like that? Originally Posted by Mr. B
I assumed trey was kidding. Nothing in the article linked suggested they were white. Visually the clearly did not look black either and from what we now know about their Chechen identity they were neither of the two.
My original guess was that they were Al Qaeda (which seems even more likely now) and frankly if they are Al Qaeda they could be black or white or brown or anything. Al Qaeda has all kinds in their ranks and the race is less relevant than the kind of jerks they are.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I thinck their names are Sunil Tripathi and Mike Mulugeta. at least thats whats being reported. ... First one sounds like an Indian name....second one...*I think the news said Turkish.* Originally Posted by TX Bulldog
Fixed that for ya...
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 04-19-2013, 08:29 AM
Listening to radio now what is even scarier is that they are holed up in Watertown, MA just a few miles (if that) from where I used to live. Hard for me to even visualize the situation in what used to be such a quiet friendly town.
zme's Avatar
  • zme
  • 04-19-2013, 08:31 AM
Fixed that for ya... Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
DG: Sunil Tripathi is a very obviously Indian name. Probably 100% of all Sunils and all Tripathis in the world are ethnically Indian.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
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