Very tragic and sad. I am sorry for all those affected by this chickensh--t person or group.
I am leaning towards a domestic thing, similar to Oklahoma or Austin. Usually, terrorists can't wait to take responsibility and credit for their actions.
Very tragic and sad. I am sorry for all those affected by this chickensh--t person or group.Yeah, as much as it'd be easy to point the finger at extremist Muslims, my guess is that it's actually not one of them since their groups would love the publicity at being able to carry out an attack in the US like this.
I am leaning towards a domestic thing, similar to Oklahoma or Austin. Usually, terrorists can't wait to take responsibility and credit for their actions. Originally Posted by Oralist
"white folks", not only were you wrong trey, but why would you make a statement like that? Originally Posted by Mr. BI assumed trey was kidding. Nothing in the article linked suggested they were white. Visually the clearly did not look black either and from what we now know about their Chechen identity they were neither of the two.