Personally anyone can find me anything. I don't care - I don't know you.
I personally find these BS threads a form of bullying. Why do people want to attack others? If someone posts an ISO and you aren't looking for or responding to, why judge? Why call out others or dog pile? It's juvenile, really.
Recently many cases of kids committing suicide has surfaced in the news. We always think of how awful the bully children are and yes, that us true but where do they get that from? Adults!
I was bullied and faced atrocities beyond imagination. Gum in my hair, spit wads, all out felony physical assults - but at that time, there wasn't a name for it and I was pretty much on my own. I was once kicked in the back so hard I lost my breath and consciousness for a few minutes. I didn't deserve that, no one does.
I had immigrant parents who didn't understand American kids were not obedient and polite, they were animals. There wasn't even refuge or comfort at home.
From that, I'm grateful. I'm proud of myself for surviving a war zone most adults couldn't even deal with. I have a deep sense of self and believe in the power of 1.
There was a game people played at PE, no matter what sport - if a ball was involved, they threw it at me and it was PHYSICALLY painful. I'm no longer mad at my peers, I'm mad at the adults. The teachers who looked the other way. Shame on adults who put up with this and feed in to it, you know better.
I recently watched the documentary Bully and I felt incredibly sad for the kids who had taken their own life. I know what it feels like to think that time, those horrific people and the breakdown of your spirit - when it feels like it will never end. It does!
I won't let anyone put gum in my hair, no one on Eccie is going to dog pile and throw spit wads at me, I won't be kicked in the back. If I'm a c*nt, so be it.
Hit reply, say whatever you want...just know that your children go to school everyday and you never know what kids do and you never know what adults condone this. If you opened their bedroom door to find them hanging in the closet, you'd feel different. Of that, I assure you. Shame on the adults for allowing and setting such bad examples of how to treat other human beings.
I'll say it again, take my writings off your sig line and leave me the F$CK alone. I make no apologies for that.
The Cunty Cunt
This post and a number of others of yours are way off track and beginning to get insulting. Cool off and get on track or leave it alone.