Short&&Sweet - you got me on my knees.
Thanks to Eric Clapton and you choosing that handle.
Congratulations on your status upgrade.
Some guys mean to write a review and do not do so due to procrastination, some just flat out lie and break their word. Let the powder room know and to help the next newby provider out, ensure you give s heads up notification about these guys.
One unasked for piece of advice to all of our fair ladies - public argument, catiness, or feeling you need to call out another provider publicly is bad for business.
The majority of the clients on this board have enough drama in the real world and have no need for an extra helping here.
Short&&Sweet, this is not directed specifically towards you, you have not presented this type of behavior.
I am just offering an unsolicited observation.
Again congratulations on your status and hope to see you around.
Going back under the porch.
Originally Posted by Doglegg
Guess your talking to me....Well it's cool ill be quiet since I'm the catty black chic. Whatever
Foxy can say what she wants but when Jucci defends her friends it's a problem