CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Yep, that's why you won't get a reasoned response from the Obamatons, WW. It's simply not possible for them to post a reasoned response.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The CUNT of SALINA has spoken.
I B Hankering's Avatar

anyone here balme Kennedy for letting Oswald blow his head off Originally Posted by CJ7
It was JFK's insistent decision to ride in an open sedan -- against the advice of his security agents.
Let me put a more simplistic, and truthfull take on this. Oscumbo is a lowlife cocksucker, who has sold out the hard working middle class, for his followers with food stamps, welfare checks, and oscumbo phones. Originally Posted by seedman55

You always say that dick in cheek don't you?
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Whirly, If there is a cult relating to Obama, it's you and those who think like you that populate it. You're obsession with Obama's presidency is here on the board for all to see.

I'm not noticing any cheerleaders for Obama posting up propaganda cheering him on every day. Almost every single thing that gets posted about the President is by way of response to bizarre, and usually misguided and factually incorrect posts by idiots like you.

A perfect example is your recent attempt to blame President Obama for the Boston bombings. I'm sorry, but you're insane. And, everybody here with an IQ above 75 knows it. Yet, when people take issue with your bizarre and misguided attempts to take this national tragedy and use it for political gain by trying to blame President Obama for it's occurrence, your response is to say that those who disagree with you are part of an Obama cult.

What else is there to say except "You're fucking nuts."? Originally Posted by timpage
What a surprise - someone states an opinion that Timmy Boy disagrees with, so he calls them "fucking nuts".
At some point when you call almost everyone who disagrees with you a nutcase, maybe you should look in the mirror.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-21-2013, 10:50 PM
I'm disappointed that no one has tried an intelligent dissection of Mr Steyn's points. He wrote a fair article. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
I think we know why you don't get a reasoned response from the Obamatons, WW. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The reason you haven't gotten a reasoned response is because the initial premise isn't reasoned. Reasoning with ya'll is like trying to reason with scorned woman.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 04-21-2013, 10:54 PM
It was JFK's insistent decision to ride in an open sedan -- against the advice of his security agents. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

so far youre 1 for 1 ... and Reagan?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
The seemingly blind loyalty that the Obama Supporters have reminds me a lot of the "personality cults" that rule North Korea and Venezuala. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Remind you a lot of N. Korea and Venezuela?

In what real ways?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
What a surprise - someone states an opinion that Timmy Boy disagrees with, so he calls them "fucking nuts".
At some point when you call almost everyone who disagrees with you a nutcase, maybe you should look in the mirror. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
Do you believe Obama directly had anything to do with the bombings?
Yes? No? Maybe?

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Do you believe Obama directly had anything to do with the bombings?
Yes? No? Maybe?

Why? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Of course not. I'm on record praising the administration for doing a good job dealing with this horrible tragedy and finding the culprits quickly and decisively.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Yep, that's why you won't get a reasoned response from the Obamatons, WW. It's simply not possible for them to post a reasoned response. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Simply not possible to post a reasoned response?

How about this?

Why do you make an absolute statement without offering up any proof or supporting examples? You do it frequently without ever revisiting the original statement?

Until you answer, it's just another rhetorical question.

The reason you haven't gotten a reasoned response is because the initial premise isn't reasoned. Reasoning with ya'll is like trying to reason with scorned woman.

Originally Posted by WTF
I agree with your first statement but not the second.

A scorned woman will do whatever it takes to get close to you to rip your throat out. A bonus would be removing your still beating heart, throwing it in the blender while you watch, and then she presses puree.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Simply not possible to post a reasoned response?

How about this?

Why do you make an absolute statement without offering up any proof or supporting examples? You do it frequently without ever revisiting the original statement? I'm just following your fine example, MunchOnMen.

Until you answer, it's just another rhetorical question. So, you are asking me to answer a rhetorical question? Why? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
I don't think you're paying close enough attention to what is going on, MunchOnMen. Try to keep up, and you might not always sound so stupid.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
do you have an ignorant schoolyard name for everybody, Stupid Old Lying Cocksucker?

If we trace your dumb behavior back to the beginning I think we can blame 90% of the culture of name calling ,disrespect and vulgarity in the Sandbox to you, Accute Fellatio Giver!
It was left over from his childhood he was bullied as a kid.
Naturally the Obamazombies stumble around all confused........

I am not obsessed with Obama; it is just so damn easy to mock, criticize, and otherwise poke fun at the most incompetent president in our lifetime. A person who is a liar extraordinaire. A man whose mission is to "fundamentally transform America." Of course you liberal retards want to silence his critics. You have admitted as much. It is what you always do to those who oppose your world view.

The intolerance on the left is astonishing...........true to form, your usual responses lead to threats of violence against his critics......but that is ok by your playbook.

Wellendowed1911 threats of violence, ass kickings, and other intimidations is well documented - that is reprehensible and disgusting low life personality...It is his MO...he tries to be the Sandbox bully.

I criticize Obama, but I don't resort to violent threats and bully tactics against anyone on this board !

Carry on..........