Traffic is your friend

Now get your ass back to H-town DH.. we have unfinished business... Fucking prophets..
dearhunter, "The Bro: Now, the Bro is very important to the Lurker. He sees the providers and writes reviews about how he made her cum 14 times……..and those stretch marks were not that bad………and the incall was easy to get to………..half of which is bullshit."

The Lurker congregation says "Amen".
lilylivered's Avatar
I'm amazed!!!!

There were fucktards way back then!!!!
Check my join date....
jokacz's Avatar
Good obit for this place.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Any wonder why he's THE Fuckin' Prophet?
(And carkido's best friend) Originally Posted by TexasGator
n seemingly history
dang I miss that SSMB lawyer

note it use to be a SHMB where the H, W would work also
bigdickdaddydom's Avatar
could give a fuck less about upstate convo nymore. all old bitch tit dudes callin hookers fat n takin it all off topic. the biggest assholes makin all the bitch posts aint contrubutin nythin. no reviews. nothin. just shit posts 24/7 from their mamas cellar.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
could give a fuck less about upstate convo nymore. all old bitch tit dudes callin hookers fat n takin it all off topic. the biggest assholes makin all the bitch posts aint contrubutin nythin. no reviews. nothin. just shit posts 24/7 from their mamas cellar. Originally Posted by bigdickdaddydom
Road trips for ya


please do Encounter Report
annie@christophers's Avatar
Board traffic to be more accurate……… do you get it……… you even understand what it’s value is to the board?
Houston area is (I’m guessing here) ranked 4th in terms of population behind New York, Upstate New York and Los Angeles (it probably is a close call on the Atlanta and Pittsburg areas)…..on this board.

We will leave Dallas Area out of the mix. They are where this board originated and thus will have a home court advantage……for the sake of this observation.

What is the purpose of the board………to find pussy (in whatever form; cheap, expensive, spinner, BBW)……… get pussy to reveal itself to the members of the board.

To make that happen, you need three types of hobbyists on the board:

The Lurker: Believe it or not, this is the most important guy on the board………I don’t mean the fucktard who only posts stupid questions and ISOs……..I mean the true lurker. This is the guy with a shit load of stuff to lose if he ever gets caught. He never posts on the board. He only comes to the board for entertainment and pussy. He has chosen this board for one of three reasons; he enjoys the hooktard/fucktard threads, he is looking for legitimate intel on providers so he can fuck them…….or both.

The Bro: Now, the Bro is very important to the Lurker. He sees the providers and writes reviews about how he made her cum 14 times……..and those stretch marks were not that bad………and the incall was easy to get to………..half of which is bullshit. But, one important fact is gleaned from the process………..she is legitimate (most of the time). The Bro (typically) is not into the drama and will say so in open forum…..reminding everyone who will listen that this place is about getting laid………..he may or may not be a White Knight for his favorite…………he may or may not be a cock blocker against out of town talent trying to come to his fair city (there are good and bad Bros).

Then there is what I call the Old Timer: Now, most hobbyists make the mistake of thincking that an Old Timer is a Bro who has been in the hobby for a long time……….while it is true that a Bro has to be in the hobby for a long time to be an Old Timer, it is not true that all Bros who have been in the hobby for a long time become Old Timers. The Old Timer does not need the board anymore to get laid…….he is tapping a market that not on the boards or he is known among the providers in a way that transcends the board……….he may not even write reviews anymore………..that does not mean he doesn’t contribute to the board (maybe)……….the Old Timer can usually see a quack review immediately……… Old Timer is useful in calling out the White Knights and Cock Blockers………he has the board credibility to call out the providers trying to get an advantage over her competition..........which are essential to hobby board.

Once you have identified the three essential elements of hobbyists who make a successful city forum, the providers will come.
Some of them will come with their agendas……….some will come with their pimps………..they will all come with their market strategies……….but, they will come……..and in droves............why, because this is a business to them...........and you don't ignore the source of your business.

A few will come with their drama………the smart business minded provider will know that drama is not her friend and simply post her ads and take the money to the bank.…….some will have an agenda to form the conversation on the board to their hobby perspective………some will write threads about needing an orgy or how important is BBBJ to you. A small amount of that is tolerable as long as they let the thread move away from the AD as it will always do………every thread ends up off topic………that is how a thread dies………..not by some Mod locking the thread……..all he did was pause the conversation………it will come up again and again until it is allowed a natural death.

Finally, there is the 400 lb gorilla in the room, the Mod: A good Mod is rarely seen or heard from in a thread. He knows how to steer a thread back on course with a comment here or there, and he knows to let a threAD die the death of the hijack (sometimes the hijack is your friend)…………..points are a rare thing and the ban is issued by a thousand cuts (1 or 2 points at a time)……….they know how to tell members in PM to ignore a thread if they don’t like it……….not take up their (righteous) cause…… that point you quit being a Mod and became an advocate and just chose a side.

How does all of this play into “Traffic”…………….When you stifle opposing opinions, you kill traffic………for every agreement to one point of there is an agreement to the opposing opinion. When you kill one side of the conversation, you just lost half of your audience.

Who cares if someone calls someone a hooktard or fucktard………..the audience will decide who they believe.

The bottom line is you (Upstate New York) don’t have the traffic………….if you want it, you have to change the way you do business…………you are doing a disservice to all of those lurkers and providers who need the traffic…………..of course, at the end of the day someone else may decide for you.

Mods come and go…………..Ambassadors are with us forever.

Just the perspective of an Old Timer who has been around you know. Originally Posted by dearhunter



Next Best Thing's Avatar



XXOO ANNIE Originally Posted by annie@christophers
Tough to read because it's clearly written in English and is more than two sentences long?

Post was certainly accurate in 2010, presently there's quite a bit more complexity, but who gives a fuck really.

6 points to another ban - coming soon.
lilylivered's Avatar
Tough to read because it's clearly written in English and is more than two sentences long?

Post was certainly accurate in 2010, presently there's quite a bit more complexity, but who gives a fuck really.

6 points to another ban - coming soon. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Well hurry up!!!
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Well hurry up!!! Originally Posted by lilylivered
Another submissive follower of censorship exposes itself.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
could give a fuck less about upstate convo nymore. all old bitch tit dudes callin hookers fat n takin it all off topic. the biggest assholes makin all the bitch posts aint contrubutin nythin. no reviews. nothin. just shit posts 24/7 from their mamas cellar. Originally Posted by bigdickdaddydom
Antagonistic, snide post utilizing derogatory expressions to condemn a group of people.

I wonder if it matters that this group of people exists only in the mind of the poor fellow who wrote this post or not?

Definitely a nastygram regardless.
offshoredrilling's Avatar

6 points to another ban - coming soon. Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
slow up please