He said he has vested interest not invested. Who doesen't?
Originally Posted by Htowner
Ah, more teasing out the definition games. Well then vested. Let's play with that one. Either:
A, he was given a share(s) in return for work or perhaps traffic, and at some point in time or benchmark, he'll vest.
B, he's a whore that advertises and markets himself here. Thereby having a vested interest, but would care if it crashes and burns.
C, he's a pimp. See Point B.
Since he's not a woman, and I don't think he's gay, I'm going to say no to Point B. Since he can't possibly have the time to pimp ladies since he has a job and has a "vested" interest here, I'm going to eliminate Point C also.
Ya know, WU loves the attention good or bad.
Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
He doesn't care. Haven't you heard?!? LOL. But perhaps, I'll start a WU and the English language thread when I get done shopping and to my computer.
Me, I'm booking tickets to Italy
Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
Headed there Tuesday.