L1 OR L2?

Ok, I was the one that made the cutesy remark about rainbows and stuff lol, forgive me oh dear gentlemen!
Honestly there are 3 levels of FBSM and many different variations and techniques.
Versus doing all three like a tiered cake, I skipped the 3rd.
Im not one who is quite comfortable just slapping it out on the table, saying..."Level one is where I jack you off, Level 2 is where I give you a bbbj, and Level 3 is where I fuck your brains out lol".
So I just incorporate 1&2 together because it is basically a happy ending on both of the 2 things whether a lubed up hand or a warm wet mouth, with no penetration. And 2 is me having my way with you!

Hope this cleared up things on "the providers" part
Brmike1963's Avatar
Mina you know how simple minded us men are. We need it spelled out sometimes. Especially us old guys who arnt as hip to the new lingo.
ilovedatass's Avatar
Mina loves skittles
hell yes I love skittles!!!

I was honestly going to try to find a pic to express my warped sense of humor but couldn't seem to find an old pic of rainbow brites horse with a rainbow shooting out his butt lol!
ilovedatass's Avatar
hell yes I love skittles!!!

I was honestly going to try to find a pic to express my warped sense of humor but couldn't seem to find an old pic of rainbow brites horse with a rainbow shooting out his butt lol! Originally Posted by Mina Parker
Wiley64's Avatar
hell yes I love skittles!!!

I was honestly going to try to find a pic to express my warped sense of humor but couldn't seem to find an old pic of rainbow brites horse with a rainbow shooting out his butt lol! Originally Posted by Mina Parker

Looks like ILDA got a taste of L3

Damn ILDA you fixed it
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
Well, first of all, ummm, DUH! Who DOESN'T love Skittles?!... Mina, don't apologize--I'm just literal-minded & stupid. I still don't quite understand the variations. So when I see you I'll just skip the FBSM session & ask for a regular appointment. That way no one has to say anything about anything, but we alllll know what's gonna happen...

... you're gonna get all dolled-up, look amazing (love the most recent Showcase pics BTW: can you say "'Hotter Than Bubbling Cheese!' boys & girls? I knew you could..." ), smell great, get all ready. Then I'm gonna show up in a t-shirt & shorts, looking like the Wreck of the Marie Celeste, ask to take a shower, get water all over the bathroom floor, trip on the flashing from the bathroom door frame, stub my toe, cuss, see you, sprout wood, get a Charlie-horse, get a leg cramp, then you'll experience 90-120 seconds of my best passion, then, b/c the store was out of Skittles, I'll hope that Starburst Fruit Chews (I LOVE those! Does everyone love those?) are an acceptable substitute.

Then I'll drive home, sated for the time being, leaving you to just shake your head... You know, now that I think about it, maybe I should opt for the FBSM session after all.
u are fucking retarded ohd! lol
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
u are fucking retarded ohd! lol Originally Posted by Mina Parker

Me: "But... Mina, I'm SPECIAL!"

Mina: "So? Whaddya want me to do--READ to ya slow?!"

Sorry--stole it from Judy Tenuta, a comedienne from the early '80s. Loved her. All I can say is "Thank God you don't discriminate against the mentally challenged."
No, I adore dorky people, makes me feel slightly normal!
I used to love watching Judy on MTV and vh1 back in the 80s
Wiley64's Avatar

Me: "But... Mina, I'm SPECIAL!"

Mina: "So? Whaddya want me to do--READ to ya slow?!"

Sorry--stole it from Judy Tenuta, a comedienne from the early '80s. Loved her. All I can say is "Thank God you don't discriminate against the mentally challenged." Originally Posted by Old Horn Dog
FYI Anyone who is familiar with Lagrangian Points is either a mathematician, physicist, or an engineer. The L1 L2 .....comment is pretty funny though OHD.
Arverni's Avatar
Jesus that skittles commercial is unbelievable! :P
Old Horn Dog's Avatar
FYI Anyone who is familiar with Lagrangian Points is either a mathematician, physicist, or an engineer. The L1 L2 .....comment is pretty funny though OHD. Originally Posted by Wiley64
Nope, none of the above, Wiley. I had to repeat every math class I took after middle school & was not allowed to take math classes in college--w/one exception--b/c my prep was so poor; then I failed the only non-calculus based math class my college offered (after I graduated I lived in a 'Big-State-U' town & took some college math classes I could understand to begin re-building the knowledge base, but I realized it just wasn't really going to take--which sucks b/c I liked math when I could do it & figger it out). However:

1. My FRIENDS were physics majors or math majors--I was just the liberal-arts pet they kept around, and when they started talking about REAL stuff I got to go play in the street;

2. I've read a LOT of hard-SF; and

3. It's truly amazing what you can learn on that-there Inner-web & Wikker-pedia, ain't it? That Wikker-pedia's my best friend when I've got a cold: anyone want to hear about the crises leading to the decline of the Habsburg Empire? History of South Africa during WWII? Organizational differences between Australian & New Zealand infantry units in WWI & WWII? Organic anti-tank capabilities of Soviet Rifle Divisions in 1939? Demographic changes in Thrace as a result of the failure of the Treaty of Sevres? Oh, and LaGrange points (different from LaGrange NC--now if you know LaGrange NC, I'll get SERIOUSLY creeped out...)? THOSE I can talk to you about for awhile...

Glad you liked the joke.
TiCobra's Avatar
Mina I'll accept the blame after all I am the OP...you can spank me if you want or do an L1 L2 your choice lol