Marketing - Building you Brand


I am blown away by your maturity Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
You and I BOTH feel the same way about marketing consultants for companions. It's an even sadder fact there's a market for it.

I am too! Katy, I love the way you think! Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Thank you, I take that as a huge compliment coming from both of you.Zabrina, I probably should have used the word experienced over mature.There are many words to describe me, but mature is likely not one of them lol.Tiffani, I have no idea when marketing consultants for companions first came in to fashion, but hopefully with the economy approving they will go find other people who need branding lol.Pyramider, I agree with you, but this then brings up the question.Can you brand taint?
Branding is for cows? Ever provider creates a brand even if it is unintentional. Your brand is nothing more than the collective impressions of those that view your ads, read your reviews, visit your websites and visit you as a companion. You cannot choose to not have a brand, you can only choose to shape it to your desires or let if be whatever it will be. My point is that if you choose to ignore it then your brand is controlled by those external to you and you might not be very happy with what you end up with. You are making choices by the photos you display, the verbage you use in your ads and on your website and in how you treat clients. I am amazed at how few providers make the connection between what they say and do and the type of clients they attract and the fees that the can expect to collect. What I'm suggesting is that you (providers in general) make conscious decisions that about your business and direct the results in a way that you want.

Someone once told me that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. If you are happy with the results you get then either by luck or by design you have created a brand that attacts the type of clients you want. I doubt that is always the case. I am only suggesting that providers should think about who they want as clients and tayloring their messages to attract AND RETAIN those clients. If you think that your business is so different from other business you are deluding yourself. Have you ever though to ask a client Why he choose you out of the hundreds of possibilities? I think you will find the answers very different than what many providers think.