Obama at the commencement.

One of the problems with being a Demagogue, is you constantly have to play the part.
There is always that constant problem, looming just around the corner, that the electorate might figure out that you are not what you are portrayed to be.

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  • Old-T
  • 05-09-2013, 07:52 AM
what our UNIQUE experiment is and what made it unique and grand and that which was by design of our founders is it is LIMITED GOVERNMENT or was meant to be. everything that frustrates obama is the limiting features of our government, his incessant voice rails against our UNIQUE experiment, the grand imposter! Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
There's the rub, isn't it. As soon as you say "limited" you get into the question of what parts to keep and what not to. Having grown up in NYC and not even had a driver's lisence until I was in my late 20s in the military, MY views would have been: gov't should fund mass transit, but keep gov't money out of roads. All that does is encourage polution and benefit those who choose to live in the sticks. Why should I pay for that? Quit wasting money on moving water to arid lands--if LA has too many people for their water sources, dehydration will even things out. Not one cent of government money for dorms at colleges--I commute, so can everyone else. Those in rural areas, that's what they deserve for living there.

Somehow if I asked a person living on a farm in Iowa they would see it differently, and have a different set of "limited" government actions they believe justified and righteous. Of course they would be mistaken where they disagreed with mine.

There are few so closed minded as the RWWs. Most the LWWs are not closed minded, they tend to be empty minded.

One party has a straggle hold on education in this country and that education has more in common with indoctrination than education.
You mean like Hate Talk Radio? Where the airwaves are flodded with dozens of RWW programes for every LWW voice? I see, the RWW brainwashers--err, educators--prefer the big paycheck approach. Maybe if they weren't so fixated on making $$$$ it would be different in the calassrom, but thanks to the RWWs who have championed paying teachers less than a livable wage in many places, who is willing to teach? It's a clear answer: those who see the job as a calling, not a way to get rich. I have seen NOTHING that would prevent hoards of conservatives from becoming teachers. Why don't they? Because they are really more concerned about the size of their own paycheck. The word hypocrit does come to mind. If you think the indoctrination of the country's youth is so important, then quit your job and become an elementary school teacher (if you already are, props to you; if you aren't, why not????)

If you do some research the idea of public education going back to the 1850s was a more or less GOP idea. It was the democrats who came up with the department of education. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
So what are you telling me? That it was republicans (who in the 1850s didn't look like today's RWW republicans) who came up with the idea but when they saw how little it paid they dumped their convictions, fled the educational world, and now complain when others filled the void? If that's not what you mean, enlighten me.
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Growing up in NYC, are you qualified to talk about life in the "sticks"? We tend to call it the country or home.

You want to show me a Hate Talk Radio show? I understand that Air America is off the air. They called for conservatives to be flogged, caged, and have their rights taken away. I don't hear that on the right. If you have some evidence of real hate then lets see it (or hear it).

Yes, priot to the Civil War the Whigs and the people who came to be the GOP promoted public education. The landed gentry in the south (democrats) sent their sons to some really good schools like West Point and VMI. After the Civil War it was the GOP that pushed for schools for freedmen. Democrats burned them. The progressives saw the light and the way. They started taking over education in the time of Wilson. Schools stopped teaching for success but started teaching to train docile and functional factory workers. The progressives even found that they could control what black people thought and did through the school systems. Our public school system sucks and most of the people in that system self identify as being democrats. Coincidence? I think not.