Any M&Gs in the DFW area

steeplechase's Avatar
I was just having a difficult time thinking of any scenario in which a camera would be welcome to private gathering ... Originally Posted by Elysa Scott

I would not want to attend a party where I felt like someone might have a camera and a notebook ... not cool.
yohollyrock's Avatar
So enough with all the stories---let's get together somewhere! It's fun for everybody and it's great marketing for you ladies!! We are grown ups meeting at a bar to have a little fun---don't see why that's a problem.
Epimetheus's Avatar
It's a problem when you don't screen for the event and let every swinging dick into an event. Look at it from both perspectives you don't want to be caught at a party with a bunch of escorts. Women don't want to be caught being escorts at a party. Most people lead a double life without friends, family, co-workers knowing about this part of our lives. Discretion is what these events are about for both sides. No one wants to be interviewed by Becky Oliver on the 10 O'clock News.
Several years ago, Some Houston hobbyists threw a toys for tots xmas party and advertised it on ASPD. HPD found out it's location, pressured the owners of the bar to let some undercovers in. One or two may have even gotten themselves on the invite list. That info is not clear. Solicitations were made during the course of the party. Ski masked officers raided the place when they got the signal and the party was broke up. News crews were on hand filming people leaving and several were filmed doing the perp walk to the police vans.

Other parties in the past, some guests ignored the rules and were "holding" - putting everyone at risk. People spying on the parties have been caught and confronted. In most cases, they turned out to be losers who weren't invited to hang with the cool kids.

As the hobby community has grown, the importance and use of discretion has waned. It is coming back, but even guests now have to screen the hosts and weigh the risks of the attendees and their hobby skills.
---don't see why that's a problem. Originally Posted by yohollyrock
Here's a detailed account of the ASPD Houston Christmas Social bust, December 2009. Post #34 by ck1942:

Here's the KHOU news story about it:
pmdelites's Avatar
honey rose to the rescue!!!
you must some powerful search tools at your nips, errr, finger tips! :^)

seriously, in my opinion, you are one of the smartest, coolest, and most esteemed folks here!!!
She is quite a capable administrative assistant according to her new resume!
Honey rose is awesome! Very resourceful indeed!
Thanks, people! I'm detail-oriented

Glenn, you're confusing me with Honey Davis. She's the one who posted the thread about employment gaps, to which you suggested you could be a reference for her.

I have a great education and great real-world job skills.

I wondered how long it would take people to mix us up again now that she is back in Dallas. Less than 24 hours <sigh>.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
The parties I have attended I have take pictures with permission. Nothing off color just group shots. I look at it as a chance to determine if I want to see a woman later. Window shopping if you like. I find the guys I meet have the same values I have and posts by them later take on a more personnel level. Screening is needed but that should be no problem. Originally Posted by tucson
Although I know, from your reputation, that you would not share those pictures ... the thought that there are people there who think nothing of taking pictures to "have for later" bother the crap out of me.

I do not go to socials and have no desire to go to them. I do know that they can be a bunch of fun. I understand that. The terrible indiscretion of taking pictures on the sly, Tuscan, well you should understand why that might be upsetting to those reading this.

No telling what type of pictures are being taken at these events inside and outside the venue. No. Thank you.

Although I know, from your reputation, that you would not share those pictures ... the thought that there are people there who think nothing of taking pictures to "have for later" bother the crap out of me.

I do not go to socials and have no desire to go to them. I do know that they can be a bunch of fun. I understand that. The terrible indiscretion of taking pictures on the sly, Tuscan, well you should understand why that might be upsetting to those reading this.

No telling what type of pictures are being taken at these events inside and outside the venue. No. Thank you.

Elisabeth Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
I agree. Taking pictures is a big no-no! If I was a guy, I'd rather get acquainted with a lady and know her "stage name" and research her later if I wanted an appointment.

I guess that's why we don't have parties in lack of discretion.
Texasquest's Avatar
I have been to a few M&G party's in DFW. Camera,s is most definantly a major NO-NO. Plain ol common sense should tell you that. These get together take a lot of planning to be done safely and even then it only takes one sour apple to spoil the whole thing. There are M AND G's happening in DFW. If your not on the invite list there is probably a valid reason why. IE reputation for taking pics.. Just my opinion.
M&G would be best organized very loosely, at a public place. People who recognize other people could mumble their handles and exchange notes and not do anything fucking stupid like take pictures, solicit, look like they belonged to a private club or act like drooling frat boy losers around a bunch of hot women in a bar/restaurant. Lots of people squeeze titties and go home together from public meeting places, so the less it looks like it was "organized", the better. I see somebody I recognize I can say "Hey, you're (insert handle here). I'm Phildo and I really like your photography." And she can say "Fuck off you silly sad fuck of a douche bag, get a life. That was the worst line I've ever heard". In which case I'll know I either made a mistake or the goiter that looks like the Geico lizard on my forehead is real turn off. Anyway, you get my point. Word gets around loosely that something may happen somewhere, and people who can't behave are shunned or treated like cops or civies and the rest of us keep our shit together.

Huh?!! Whuuuut? Oh shit!...I musta been dreaming.....whew....hey, what's up ya'll? Party? Where? Lemme get my phone set up to record.....
juicybud's Avatar
I have thought about the M&G's but always had concerns. They definitely sounds like fun but having a camera present would make for a fast exit for me personally. The potential perp walk of shame also comes to mind certainly too.

I would just rather have a friendly poker tournament. ;-) Who's game.
omakase's Avatar
Wouldn't it be easier for everybody to meet at a strip club? Business attire - ladies too - we're coming from a trade conference. Granted, I'd need a better cover story to explain the ladies. Interns? Personal Assistants?