P411 it. If you have seen 2 reputable providers you can get 6 months free to see if it's for you and get yourself established. Make sure that the person that is asking for the references is credible and is providing their credentials such as p411 ID, TER, ECCIE showcase etc. I will always give reference unless I question the legitimacy of the person asking. If they don't provide their credentials and a quick google search doesn't turn up significant info, I will not provide reference for everyone's safety.
Originally Posted by Ari816
So what you're saying is that a P411 membership is the solution to all the, "Is she safe?", "Is she going to NCNS me?" kind of problems?
If you get pinched, is the nice lady in Canada that runs the screening going to send me a text before I knock on your door?
If I get pinched, do you get the same notification?
Didn't think so.
In other words, it's more of a, "I have to pay so you should should have to pay, too" kind of deal, isn't it?