I'm so far behind!

Thank you guys for sharing in another Arianna adventure.

I almost got arrested for mounting a steel horse outside of The Aria. Ass out and all, the police were not entertained. I forgot, they see crazy in Vegas all of the time. I was nothing new!!!!! Originally Posted by Ari816
Mounting a steel horse?!?! I've been called a horse's ass before...but I don't remember you trying to climb on me you sexy thing!
Mounting a steel horse?!?! I've been called a horse's ass before...but I don't remember you trying to climb on me you sexy thing! Originally Posted by scorpio31
Liar, liar pants on fire..lol
Liar, liar pants on fire..lol Originally Posted by Ari816
Ouch! Hurt me again, baby!

Lol...no, I will let your little bitch Noahscape do it next time.
FrankieP's Avatar
Lol...no, I will let your little bitch Noahscape do it next time. Originally Posted by Ari816

Oh, snap!
An Iowa dickhead. Originally Posted by Johnny4455
Talk about being out of ammo and ideas at the same time...

BTW, your old lady told me to tell you, "Hi!"

Not sure if it was your mom or your sister; didn't get her name.
Lol...no, I will let your little bitch Noahscape do it next time. Originally Posted by Ari816
Go ahead, let all the anger out!

If I went to Vegas and no one would pay to do me, I'd be frustrated, too.

Look at the bright side. At least you got to go to a wine tasting. Even if it was at the end of the 500-item buffet at the Western.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and think about what you can do. I hear Superior Lexus is looking for a detailer.
Fastcar's Avatar
Wow,this is just sad. Does anyone else smell onions?
I smell the blood of a jealous has-been. Nothing to do but stalk certain users and attack.

Whatever your source is regarding me is completely inaccurate. I was gifted in advance and taken with a client as their companion. We weren't there for a wine tasting,
We were there to party. I hate buffets. and don't eat from them. No idea what The Western is. Perhaps this is your story.
Go ahead, let all the anger out!

If I went to Vegas and no one would pay to do me, I'd be frustrated, too.

Look at the bright side. At least you got to go to a wine tasting. Even if it was at the end of the 500-item buffet at the Western.

Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and think about what you can do. I hear Superior Lexus is looking for a detailer. Originally Posted by NoahScape
HMMM your bagging on providers continues ...interesting...very interesting??

When will you get a review up from a eccie provider?
I smell the blood of a jealous has-been. Originally Posted by Ari816
Time for you to see the ENT.

Which shouldn't be a problem since you have a medical degree. Or so you've told us.

Nothing to do but stalk certain users and attack.
I'd be more likely to call it, "Laughing at wannabes and/or wondering about the market value of the Golden P**** in KC."

Thanks to you, I'm getting a pretty good idea of what that value is.