I am definitely one of those clients who wants a provider to be a good conversationalist, someone who is smart enough, and mature enough, to carry on an interesting discussions on a variety of issues during interludes. And I typically book longer appointments, so there are interludes.
It goes without saying that anyone booking a provider for a business engagement or formal evening event would definitely want to know about conversation skills. Think about certain provider posts you have read and consider taking such a poster to a business event! It could have all the makings of a good comedy, and funny to everyone except you.
That said, I understand Cody's point -- why list conversation? Especially because anyone can claim it, and it has so many dimensions and means so many different things. I much prefer to notice that the woman is a good conversationalist -- in my judgement, with respect to the dimensions I care about -- by examining her posts. (And that, gentlemen, is one big reason why I much prefer when these boards are friendly to the ladies -- I want to encourage their posts, to see how they communicate and decide for myself. Put differently, I want to judge the 'book' by the words as well as the pictures -- lol.)