Reasons why I'd make a provider's great SO.

PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 07-18-2010, 09:38 PM
Here is another one of Amy Lee: Originally Posted by charlestudor2005

CT, you really need to stay off the BS propaganda websites. If you'd listened to her music, you'd know that all of her stuff touches on a dark, real faith in God similar to Creed. And from that you'd know she'd never pose nude....

She was discovered by Linkin Park, starred in their "Numb" video. As far as the guitar stuff, after "Broken", the guitarist from Seether joined her and teamed up to write and came up with some really amazing spiritual music that moves most everyone that listens. Perhaps Ansley can speak to this as well?

And Charles, amazingly enough, she is from Little Rock! Also amazingly enough, my nieces heard her in local LR bars when she was getting started.

Good stuff indeed, but she definitely resides on a different side than our hobby...

...I'm just sayin'!

////////Long live Amy Lee!\\\\\\\\

CT, you really need to stay off the BS propaganda websites.
PSIndeeD! Originally Posted by PSD
...just put me in the same room with this gal (Amy Lee of the band Evanescence) and I will have reached heaven!! Originally Posted by PSD
That’s just not fair. She looks like that AND she has that beautiful, haunting voice!
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
That’s just not fair. She looks like that AND she has that beautiful, haunting voice! Originally Posted by OliviaHoward
The bitch!
BadKarma1's Avatar
We need a rule that guys can't use a picture of a hot gal as his avatar. Originally Posted by pjorourke

I agree with this statement
... I'd probably be a horrible SO for a provider. Great friend, horrible SO. The reasons are myriad.

There's a big difference between seeing me for a couple of hours and waking up with me.
Rudyard K's Avatar
We need a rule that guys can't use a picture of a hot gal as his avatar. Originally Posted by pjorourke
We need to be careful with these rules. As we both know, there are much worse avatars.
We need to be careful with these rules. As we both know, there are much worse avatars. Originally Posted by Rudyard K
Good point.
discreetgent's Avatar
Mmmm, Amy Lee.
yep, if i got to stare at her in person...and listen to her sing live. holy crapola....
Yep, that would be an experience of a life time. And no - I wouldn't be sportin wood to go with it. (well, maybe a panty change afterwards...but still)

her voice in the soundtrack songs she has done, is just magical and dark at the same time.
Powerful and strong.
Heartbroken and can't be crushed.

I love the scene of her in one of the videos where she is lying on the waterfountain, with thin strips of cloth wrapped around her lower arms (ok, her wrists) which could hint to something more dramatic and dark.

I have a friend who cuts - maybe I should ask her if their music touches her in any way. Helps her get out of it when she is still able to reach reality. (cutting is a very difficult mental problem to wrap your head around if you've never done it from what I understand.)

Now back on topic:

No, providers will probably not give you more sex than when you were with them as a hobbyist. Look how many hobbyist have left here (here meaning the old board) and come back a month, six months, a year or so later....telling us exactly that. And we know it's true, because she is back selling it at the same time.

As an escort she is motivated by money. Even if she is "damaged goods". The girl has bills to pay.
Once she has an SO, it's a bit of a challenge to be motivated, unless she really is a "freak, se shiek", (no ads here ladies) and imagine how many of us really have "issues" in the sack when it comes to real relationships. Then there's always the thinking that "is he wantin it every chance he gets, now that he's got the cow for free?"

Just a couple of things to throw out there.

You are only seeing the "best" of these girls most of the time.
Talk about people with God Knows What going on with them.
I suggest you become their best friend first, before you ever consider becoming their SO.
It may just be a healthier relationship, and you never know....she may just call you up to be her drinking buddy.....which turns into a fuck buddy. Woo hoo!
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 07-21-2010, 02:58 AM
On the water fountain she is a ballerina, from Eastern Europe perhaps, wrists and ankles wrapped accordingly, white taffita(?) dress...dammmm...good pick...

Go pull the lyrics and listen to "Wake me up", then (My God, My...) "Tourniquet". Very dark, eye-opening, and deeply religious (for lack of a better term). There are a few more as well....

I love this gal...


Mmmm, Amy Lee.
yep, if i got to stare at her in person...and listen to her sing live. holy crapola....
Yep, that would be an experience of a life time. And no - I wouldn't be sportin wood to go with it. (well, maybe a panty change afterwards...but still)

her voice in the soundtrack songs she has done, is just magical and dark at the same time.
Powerful and strong.
Heartbroken and can't be crushed.

I love the scene of her in one of the videos where she is lying on the waterfountain, with thin strips of cloth wrapped around her lower arms (ok, her wrists) which could hint to something more dramatic and dark.

I have a friend who cuts - maybe I should ask her if their music touches her in any way. Helps her get out of it when she is still able to reach reality. (cutting is a very difficult mental problem to wrap your head around if you've never done it from what I understand.)

Now back on topic:

No, providers will probably not give you more sex than when you were with them as a hobbyist. Look how many hobbyist have left here (here meaning the old board) and come back a month, six months, a year or so later....telling us exactly that. And we know it's true, because she is back selling it at the same time.

As an escort she is motivated by money. Even if she is "damaged goods". The girl has bills to pay.
Once she has an SO, it's a bit of a challenge to be motivated, unless she really is a "freak, se shiek", (no ads here ladies) and imagine how many of us really have "issues" in the sack when it comes to real relationships. Then there's always the thinking that "is he wantin it every chance he gets, now that he's got the cow for free?"

Just a couple of things to throw out there.

You are only seeing the "best" of these girls most of the time.
Talk about people with God Knows What going on with them.
I suggest you become their best friend first, before you ever consider becoming their SO.
It may just be a healthier relationship, and you never know....she may just call you up to be her drinking buddy.....which turns into a fuck buddy. Woo hoo! Originally Posted by OnceUponAnEscort
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 07-21-2010, 08:46 AM
  1. I know the difference between providing and love.
  2. She's out of the house now and then. Yay!
  3. She's not shy about sex.
  4. She may have a hot girl friend.
  5. She can air travel for free. (And make more money.) Yay!
  6. She could experience and show me neat places that I wouldn't have known.
I'm sure there are more.....let me think.... Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Years ago, a now long-retired well-regarded local provider told me once as our time had come to a close that she and some of her friends had been talking, just girl talk/chit-chat and they had come to a consensus that I would make a perfect 'hobby husband." I could never get her to elaborate specifically why my name came up and what the criteria were. I chalked it up to one of life's mysteries and pleasant surprises while I continued to enjoy her company when I could.
  • Bliss
  • 07-22-2010, 12:29 AM
  1. I know the difference between providing and love.
  2. She's out of the house now and then. Yay!
  3. She's not shy about sex.
  4. She may have a hot girl friend.
  5. She can air travel for free. (And make more money.) Yay!
  6. She could experience and show me neat places that I wouldn't have known.
I'm sure there are more.....let me think.... Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
As a married provider, please allow me to add....

1) Sometimes she wants to be left alone, and sometimes she wants to be fu**ed like an animal and it is up to me to figure out which she wants without asking.
2) I understand that when she isn't working she does not want to shave her legs, pretty up, or where anything cute.
3) HER MONEY is HER MONEY..... MY MONEY is OUR MONEY. The way in which she earns it justifies this philosophy and I know better than to question it.
4) I understand that there are men out there with dicks a lot bigger than mine and am prepared to hear about it when she gets home.

Dude, it's not as glamorous as you might think, really. It takes a very unique and special man to pull it off. There are many pros (my man can fuck whoever he wants and it doesn't bother me) and cons (see above).
I suggest you become their best friend first, before you ever consider becoming their SO.
It may just be a healthier relationship, and you never know....she may just call you up to be her drinking buddy.....which turns into a fuck buddy. Woo hoo! Originally Posted by OnceUponAnEscort
Great point, but even this is sometimes difficult to deal with. I have a client who has become close enough that we've been together off the clock. (with the caveat that it was only going to be the one time)

I consider him a close friend AND fav client, and could imagine a fuck buddy situation, but I think it would be awkward to try to determine when it's business and when it's not. Even if he said he'd be cool with however I wanted to play it, I'd feel a bit weird, you know? I wouldn't want either one of us to take advantage of the other.
Welcome Alex. So glad to see you join us.