Looking for some brave volunteers

Ok guys, if she offered, would this be the first time in your entire life that you turned down a blow job, or do you have nerves of steel?? Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
They say there's someone for everyone.

I'd prefer not to be "Mr. Right" or even "Mr. Right Now."

On the other hand, she only speaks Spanish, which is intriguing. If she could do a convincing version of "Oh, Jess!, Oh Jess!' and call me "Papi"...
  • c-los
  • 05-19-2013, 10:57 PM
Uhhhhh... that lady kinda scares me.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
As long as I could get at least a good color picture of us in the act, I'd do it.

Without the picture, nobody would believe my story.
She is actually a licensed attorney who got divorced and decided to live life the way she wanted going forward.

Either way, I would hit it. Not a fan of tattooed women, but something about her gets me boned up!
She is actually a licensed attorney who got divorced and decided to live life the way she wanted going forward. Originally Posted by skinless
Given that every guy's fantasy here is to poke an 18-year-old sans GED, I'm sure the thought of a real live Mexican lawyer is just too much.
Given that every guy's fantasy here is to poke an 18-year-old sans GED, I'm sure the thought of a real live Mexican lawyer is just too much. Originally Posted by NoahScape
I dont know, there are enough guys around here who want their ass kicked by a girl, who want to be humiliated, and who want to be put in their place.

Plus, trying to have a conversation with many 18 year old girls is its own kind of scary. I tend to hear "Shut up, shut up, shut up..." and worry that I might actually be saying it.
I dont know, there are enough guys around here who ...want to be humiliated, and who want to be put in their place. Originally Posted by bigryan222
That explains Elameno. I never thought about it like that - thanks.
Misawahawk's Avatar
Well aside from square dancing and incest it's good to try everything at least once. Is it just me or does she look Klingon? 100% guarantee that she is a freak. That goes a long way. I'd hit it, but wouldn't tell anyone except my Eccie friends.
Well aside from square dancing and incest it's good to try everything at least once. Originally Posted by Misawahawk
I think you won the internet with that comment!
