Tebow Be Praised!

JCM800's Avatar
I am in favor of the bill, just against the Tebow Deification. I UNDERSTAND the point, I just very much disagree with it. Originally Posted by Old-T
they're just using his name because he's not your typical scumbag athlete....yet.

you know the one's (steroid abuser, wife beater, drug dealer, etc etc)

plus isn't Tebow the Son of God anyway?
Will Obebro invite him to next WH Gala?
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  • Old-T
  • 05-17-2013, 10:36 PM
Will Obebro invite him to next WH Gala? Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Oh WoW! What a shock! One of the Psychotic Brotherhood takes a perfectly good thread that is NOT about Obama and throws in a totally non-sequitor bashing Obama.

It's pretty sick when people are so completely fixated on something like that. They start to have serious brain farts at the most inopportune times.

"High! That will be $15.97 for your lunch today."

Psychotic Brotherhood response: "Send the damn bill to Obama! I'm protesting his stand on gun control by refusing to pay for my meal!"

"I'm afraid that isn't our concern. We try to keep politics out of running our restaurant. Your meal was $15.97."

PB: "Fuck you! Tebow is a good god-fearing virgin and he told me I don't have to pay no stinking restaurant bill so long as
Obama is president. It's a tax protest!"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

PB: "I don't rightly know, but a friend of a friend of the guy down the road who slops the hogs said he heard it on Hannity and
cross checked it with Rush. That's good enough for me."

"I'm sorry, but I am going to call the police if you don't pay up, sir."

PB: "Don't you dare! You look like a commie bastard who can't trace his lineage in the South more than 6 or 7 generations! Why you're almost a Stalinist! Just look at those shifty eyes! You're probably one of Obama's illegitimate grandkids or something. Hell no I'm not paying! And I have my concealed carry permit so you better watch out!"

PB Wacko reaches for his gun, just to show he means business.

Restaurateur pulls out his shotgun and points it at PBW. Seeing the light, PBW pays up, but to show he's still in charge leaves a three penny tip as he walks out the door.

PBW, muttering under his breath: Damn Obama, it's all his fault. Just like everything else that goes wrong in my miserable life.