assholeism Originally Posted by jfredBest Eccie-generated laugh since the Neotek-CanDo doubles thread.
If it's not a word, it should be. In the OED, maybe jfred will get origination credit.

Best Eccie-generated laugh since the Neotek-CanDo doubles thread.See the a fore mentioned urban dictionary:
If it's not a word, it should be. In the OED, maybe jfred will get origination credit.Originally Posted by notdeadyet
Originally Posted by Pet-My-Kitty
WTF?!maybe pet-my-kitty found the pingles-up-your-ass tool :^)
(did I miss something?)
Originally Posted by Dannie
Geez,say buddy, you forgot me!!
I go away for a few days and you all get tangled up again....
the thread is about the slang term "Stallion" ....
It is not about Potato chips or poking anyone in the eye.
Jfred / StevieWinwood / Shakleton - Stay on track or off the thread....
PPE Originally Posted by PurplePussyEater