
Helicopter206's Avatar
But your so young to leave us old farts alone on this board.
Have fun and enjoy whatever you do.
As far as I know, this is Elena's first retirement post, so why bug her about it? Good luck to you. Originally Posted by Kshunter
Thanks KS!!

I hope retirement treats you well, I'm sorry I never had a chance to meet you Originally Posted by buttmann
Aww, you flatter me. Thank you.

How much are the tickets?? Originally Posted by malwoody
I could make a killing on those tickets. I'm sure there are LOTS of folks who would LOVE to see that.

You can't leave until you train your replacement, you know. Originally Posted by bartipero
lol Can't replace me

Ms. E, you have been anti-retirement threAD for as long as I can remember and yet here is yours.
Could it be that you have decided that if you can't bet them, then join them? I think not.

Even though we have never met...
I fully blame you for my acquired taste for a good Moscato... so I raise a glass to you and wish you all the best. Originally Posted by ElamEno

No darlin', I've always been anti threAD. I've always supported ladies when they retire......ACTUALLY retire and not make all the goodbye threADs that last for weeks if not months.

I take for credit for your love of Moscato. I should get a job with a winery and pimp out some great Moscato. Would be hard for me to NOT drink the inventory though. On second thought, I'll just drink it.....not sell it.
Scorp......I'm going to keep my whip though. Never know when I'm going to drive through KC and use it on you!! Originally Posted by MsElena
Why am I excited at that possibility even though we've never met?

Does the phrase "none of your fucking business" come along as a possible answer

Now if someone constantly announces their retirement/moving/going to Cali....only for it to turn it into some cheap ass sales away. But I think it is safe to say this is not the case

Damm, Ms E, now somebody is going to consider me to be one of your WK's

I guess that sense of humor will to lost to most, other you and me Originally Posted by vkmaster
Whatever jerk. Retirement blather over a lady of the evening is silly.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 05-31-2013, 10:49 PM
Wish you the best MsElena and a long, prosperous life.
So what does retiring from this mean exactly?

Getting married? Raising a family? Getting a real job you can tell others about? Making a comeback- like a sequel blockbuster? Increasing business in the short-term for all those looking for a going out of business sale / last chance to bang? Really, no disrespect, I'm just curious. Originally Posted by beagledawg
Given how many times we've seen women 'retire' then change their mind a week later, I can understand your skepticism. However, we generally have a name for the women who seem to 'leave' or 'retire' every few weeks. We call em BSC for a reason. If you think Elena fits into that category, then clearly you don't know her at all.

You can't leave until you train your replacement, you know. Originally Posted by bartipero
You don't really think Ms Elena can be replaced do you? Silly man

Whatever jerk. Retirement blather over a lady of the evening is silly. Originally Posted by beagledawg
Yes actually, well wishes for a lady. We are a community. Perhaps a community of misfits, but a community nonetheless. Why shouldn't we announce our retirement? I realize this concept is alien to you, but we make connections here that go far beyond exchanging an envelope.

Elena is retiring on her terms, in the manner she see fit, and is making her farewell to the community she has been a part of for years. We should all be so lucky.

But thank you for yet another SPA. Not that we needed any reminding.

Elena, good luck to you as you begin a new chapter. I do hope you will visit us occasionally, to whip the guys into shape once in a while. I may not have always agreed with you, but I have always respected and admired you. The insights you offer are always valuable, and will be missed.
I thought beagledawg question was legit. If the lady didn't want to disclose. She can simply say. I would rather not say. But thanks for asking. Not like she's going to the hall of fame. Not going to be making even 50 an hr can tell you that.
Whatever jerk. Retirement blather over a lady of the evening is silly. Originally Posted by beagledawg
You should keep a handle on your comments and criticisms after the extreme lack of integrity and confidentiality you displayed on this board just a few months ago. Need we remind you and the remainder of this community of the Gemma episode and your role?

Geez. Evidently some people have memories shorter than their d****.
Enchanterlingum's Avatar
Fare well where ye fare.
Beagleboy and Chrome1,

I made a post announcing my retirement because its easier to do than to send out 2000 PM's. I wanted to thank the people of KC and the KC area for everything.

Chrome1, if I had wanted people to know what the next chapter of my life is going to be, don't you think I would've posted it in the original post I made? Some will know, some won't. But, its because I choose to disclose it to them in private.

Beagleboy, I'd love to make you my bitchboy before I retire.......hell, I'd even do for it free.

Thank you Stacy

Thank you JS

Thank you Enchanter
To those that know her and have had the pleasure of enjoying time with her this is not a surprise.

We do know what the next step is and wish her only the best in her new chapter of this journey we call life.

To the rest of you .... you missed her believe me it was your loss.
Whatever jerk. Retirement blather over a lady of the evening is silly. Originally Posted by beagledawg

Aw, did I step on your poor, itty, bitty, little ego

"Retirement blathering is silly"....but here you are posting in a retirement thread.....classic SPA, lol

I'd like to tell you, it will be get better for you in the morning....but I don't like to lie
buttmann's Avatar
You should keep a handle on your comments and criticisms after the extreme lack of integrity and confidentiality you displayed on this board just a few months ago. Need we remind you and the remainder of this community of the Gemma episode and your role?

Geez. Evidently some people have memories shorter than their d****. Originally Posted by scorpio31

Can we get back to the topic at hand please........that would be.........ME.

Stop feeding the troll. I'll through a quarter at him when I pass over the bridge in a few weeks.
dirty dog's Avatar
Elena, I wish you the best in this new chapter of your life. I will miss your quick wit and sharp tongue.