.. This woman didn't break in. She was invited into the residence. She was there "lawfully." As a consequence there was no "burglary" .... she was leaving and there was only $150 at stake ...
.. this incident is like someone barreling down on an intersection because the light is green and someone cuts the red light in front of the "green light" vehicle ... and the driver of the "green light" vehicle accelerates into a broadside collision with the "red light" vehicle .. because ... "he" had GREEN ... AND HE KILLS THE OTHER DRIVER.
Any way one dices this "thing" in SA .. it stinks.
Originally Posted by LexusLover
They do not need to "break in" to be in your home unlawfully.
It is the old "breaking and entering" as opposed to "unlawful entry" difference is a locked door..
if she came in the house and took 150, that is theft of property... sure she can claim she was invited but if you shot and killed the thief that you determined was in your house unlawfully... her story does not matter now.
There is one side if this that is overlooked.. if the prosecutor can prove the two had a conversation about coming over then it would have proven she was invited in.
However: let's say you let someone into your house, say, the maid service...
she is cleaning your downstairs and you are upstairs chilling out..
you walk down to see her digging through your desk and taking things.. at that point she is no longer the maid, she is a thief. You can then LAWFULLY detain her for the cops that you call, and of course let her supervisor know what is going on. This would be the ideal thing... but once she leaves your house and is on your property, you have to pursue her to retrieve your property and that is what can be claimed.
I admit this story is a wild one but it has merit on the fact she was invited, was paid for sex, took the money and ran instead. the guy had to use "force" to get his $$$ back. Oh.. and lets say you get her photo, license plate etc.. everything the cops need to go arrest her, including where she lives etc... she was an escort.. the cops will look at you and say "tough cookies" and NOT pursue her because they do not like escorts so if a JOHN gets burned by one, they are not going to arrest her for theft... they MIGHT arrest him for admitting to solicitation / pandering....