The NHL who will win

brutusbluto's Avatar
It might be Bostons Destiny to win the cup after the comeback in game 7 against Toronto in the last 3 minutes to tie then win it in OT.
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 06-09-2013, 06:28 PM
I'm waiting to see Nita's pick on this one.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
I do not want to jinx anything, I hope DD wins

After they recovered the leafs game..anyway( zip it frankie).
Rooting for the Blackhawks and South Buffalo's Patrick Kane.
pyramider's Avatar
Damn, ice skating is still going on?
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 06-12-2013, 07:04 PM

I'll take the Bruins in 6 (I'd prefer 7)

After a blown call, this ref signals he has no brains!
i love teams that live on the edge and the blackhawks have actually been doin that..
they have an incredible defensiveman..and constantly keeps the puck movin..
thats why the game is soo frickin exciting and for me..thats what keeps my interest..
it is hockey afterall..if i wanna be bored uta my mind..ill go watch baseball...uhhgggg....

however the bruins..boyhowdie...the flavor that eliminates from this team..unfrickin believable!!!I think
we are in for a game here boys..the hits,the assits throughout, as well as pounding presence the team
members bring to this arena keeps me on the edge of my recliner!!!!!

my coin is flippin in the just gonna sit back and enjoy some jb(jimbeam) my popcorn.. and those
talented men flying all over the screen!!!!!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
nina waiting for a garment failure??????

Janet Jackson - Super Bowl halftime 2004 (VIDEO LIVE). - YouTube

errrr guys keep this handy just in case
I'd like nothing more than to see the Bruins get swept and then someone leaks a gay porn video of Lucic, Bergeron, and Marchand blowing each other. So I guess I'm rooting for the Blackhawks....
I'd like nothing more than to see the Bruins get swept and then someone leaks a gay porn video of Lucic, Bergeron, and Marchand blowing each other. So I guess I'm rooting for the Blackhawks.... Originally Posted by doctorsteve
<---- "dafuq you just say?!" Originally Posted by MOCHAakaMOCHA
I did not intend to watch the game last night, but ended up watching the entire triple overtime (and losing some sleep time) when I switched to NBC after the late news looking for the Tonight Show. It was not top-notch hockey but exiting nonetheless, with both teams having multiple good chances. Too bad someone (my Bruins) had to lose after playing dead-tired for almost two full games back-to-back.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
(my Bruins) had to lose after playing dead-tired for almost two full games back-to-back. Originally Posted by jackfengshui
Why are they tired? Their schedule has been pansy light. What's the matter with their training? Not Boston Strong anymore? Or is this Boston whine, leading to another ketchup filled sock?
Why are they tired? Their schedule has been pansy light. Originally Posted by JohnnyCap
Both teams were tired. Regardless of the schedule or conditioning, if you are used to going all out for 3 periods, it is not easy to maintain the same tempo for 6 periods.
JohnnyCap's Avatar
Okay, I get your first comment now, referring to triple OT as two games back to back. Absolutely exhausting, though Kurt Russell would have had them ready.

I thought it was another 'poor Boston' sentiment (referring to sports) and that the Bruins somehow deserved to be more tired than the Hawks after their last two games. There is no shortage of Boston fans whining about their plight, glad this wasn't another moan.
Zurrock's Avatar
I'd like nothing more than to see the Bruins get swept and then someone leaks a gay porn video of Lucic, Bergeron, and Marchand blowing each other. Originally Posted by doctorsteve
You are awesome!!! Well said but, you forgot one more goon on that list