Well this gives me a bit of pause... so every time I have find the evidence of secret shopping trip or new shoe binge I can call it cheating?
My feelings on the cheating or not topic require more information;
Is this a blowjob from a secret girlfriend or someone you have or are building a long running relationship with? If yes then yeah I would call it cheating.
If it is just a release then I would call it masturbation level 100; in the end it is virtually the same result just requires an extra person or two. I doubt anyone feels the need to come clean to the SO about the tug-o-war session they had to porn.
---> Of course this is just the logic of a guy on an escort board so real world results may vary
Originally Posted by bored@home
Haha! Yes, if she wasnt supposed to shop, you have been cheated on! LOL. She couldn't help wearing the shoes and wore them in front of you? Then she just got caught! LOL.
My SO knows what I do (fortunately, he sees me as the real person that I am and he still loves me after he finds out) and he knows my porn habits and that I play with myself a lot. I send him link of porn that I like. He understands why I had to lie to him about my job when we first met and he forgave me.