How many men have experienced, or ladies have seen--multiple non-ejaculatory Os by guys??

Fancyinheels's Avatar
IInteresting comments, Fancy.

A number of fellows, eh? That's good to hear. Have any of them commented on how they learned to do this? Or whether they can differentiate what will lead to a dry orgasm vs. a "messy" one LOL?

Is this something YOU enjoyed? Originally Posted by spice-is-nice

Of course I enjoyed it, silly. The female ego likes to be boosted, too, even if it isn't ALL my doing. (I at least helped.) And I actually get a lot of satisfaction seeing fellows enjoy themselves fully.

Here's a good introductory article with a book suggestion:,2933,418886,00.html

I know gents who have learned the techniques with devotion and have amazing control. For others it comes naturally, pun intended.

An interesting read on Tantric sex and multi-o's:

Note that both these indicate a level of intimacy and patience, which usually means one understanding lover, but after this is learned, multi-o's can be had with any partner.
spice-is-nice's Avatar

I had read some things like the great resources you linked in the past, but not too recently. Now that I've experienced this phenomenon, a couple of things match what your second resource describes and makes sense to me.

  • I preferentially seek out a few mature women and see them repeatedly, so I have the comfort level and intimacy aspect that is mentioned.
  • Having previously been a one bell wonder, I have learned to love "tease and denial" wherein my partner gets me close repeatedly and then backs off.
  • And lastly, when I am getting close to coming, I think I instinctively contract the pubococcygeal muscles (PC) mentioned.
So, in retrospect, maybe it is no surprise that my revelation has occurred--Yay!!!!! Henceforth I'll try to be more purposeful about it. Personally I think these kind of Os aren't "mini Os" at all. I think they feel pretty much as good as ejaculatory Os. . .. .BUT. . . . . . .I don't get the energy falloff. On the best session so far, I had at least a dozen of these, and I would drop from orgasmic to "floaty" for a short while, which is a nice state of mind. . . . .but 3-10 minutes later I'd be coming again.

If, as you say, anyone, male or female, can achieve this sublime state, then why haven't they!!! These recent sessions have been the best lovemaking of my life by far.
The Cock Connoisseur's Avatar
OMG!..AMAZING THREAD!...I have met two Guys like this,the one guy that stood out the most was a older gentleman out of Florida with a surgical built in pump..I LOVED THIS..required no spitting or babywipes..Good clean fun..!
Spitting? Baby wipes? Whatchootalkinbout, Willis?
Ms. Athena's Avatar
Reaching Tantric Os is more of a mind fuck in my book, teaching your brain that there is more pleasure beyond the cum. When one is cumming you are having a O as well, butt one may have multi Os without lucky females have learned this long ago. Most men are conditioned that its all about a hard cock and cumming.....there is sooo much more pleasure beyond that point. Dont stop with just a cum....reach for more. Once your mind has been taught how to achieve Tantric Os then there should be no turning back as it will crave that level of pleasure from here on out. Then you can reach for hitting subspace........the highest level of Mind Fuck Im aware of........Slurp~~
  • Taint
  • 07-09-2013, 01:27 PM
This is actually pretty easy in practice. All you have to do is press upwards and inwards about 2 fingers back from where your sack is attached to your taint. As you're about to come, you can feel the pulses, but if you press long and hard enough, nothing comes out (you will still feel the orgasm). A few seconds later, you should be ready to go again, still hard. Lather, rinse, repeat.