If Palin runs for the Senate; she will be another strong voice, like Cruz.

Let's hope she runs.

Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Love this too. A fake photo op indicating that Sarah Palin spends significant amounts of time on a fishing boat. Because, after all, she is just a regular person who fishes on a boat for a living. Pure essence of whirlytard. Complete fucking idiot.
You lost seats in the Senate and you lost control of the House. The Obama agenda is failing both nationally and internationally.

The Democrats took historical losses in the 2010 midterms and didn't make up ground in 2012. you lost ground.

Name a successful policy that the Democrats have enacted. It has been a total failure. Obama's signature legislation is a disaster - obamacare. It is so despised by the public (70% disapproval) that Obama had to delay implementation or otherwise face an unfavorable electorate in 2014.

You are fucking living in netherland if you think you have a winning strategy.
Wow. You are desperate.

Now calling everything about Palin either a lie or fake. And when that doesn't work, you go straight to the "how small is your penis" argument.

Your a fucking hoot.
Wow. You are desperate.

Now calling everything about Palin either a lie or fake. And when that doesn't work, you go straight to the "how small is your penis" argument.

Your a fucking hoot. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Fucking maroon. Sorry, but your dumbass arguments don't inspire desperation.... as with everything else you post, you can flatter yourself by thinking that but actually, just about everybody here realizes that you're a moron and we all cock our heads when looking at your dumbass posts. Good luck believing otherwise, I guess you have to.
You have no counter arguments; that is why you go to the "Palin photo is a lie" or some other bullshit.

Facts are facts. Avoid them. I understand.
Again. Feel free to counter argue with some facts................otherwise , STFU with your bullshiting and ad hominems.

Let me repost the facts:
You lost seats in the Senate and you lost control of the House. The Obama agenda is failing both nationally and internationally.

The Democrats took historical losses in the 2010 midterms and didn't make up ground in 2012. you lost ground.

Name a successful policy that the Democrats have enacted. It has been a total failure. Obama's signature legislation is a disaster - obamacare. It is so despised by the public (70% disapproval) that Obama had to delay implementation or otherwise face an unfavorable electorate in 2014.

You are fucking living in netherland if you think you have a winning strategy.

But of course, if you think driving America deeper into debt, weakening us abroad, burdening business with regulations, waging war on coal, waging war on the middle class, and waging war on individual liberty and freedoms in this country is winning....then you are winning the "Let's Sink (Transform) America" campaign - no doubt! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Well, let me respond in kind moronic idiot with little grasp of reality. We hold the presidency and we hold the senate. And while you may grouse and bitch like a child with an IQ in double figures, those are the fucking facts. And, by the way....fuck you.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Well, let me respond in kind moronic idiot with little grasp of reality. We hold the presidency and we hold the senate. And while you may grouse and bitch like a child with an IQ in double figures, those are the fucking facts. And, by the way....fuck you. Originally Posted by timpage
. . . and for two years you dimotards even held the House, and yet you lib-retarded, single-digit, IQ midgets accomplished nothing and continue to blame the Republicnas for all of your failures.
  • 07-11-2013, 05:59 PM
This must be the new ib_rider trying too steal with the support of the u.s. incomponent spy agency...I think zerothehero said this
Well, let me respond in kind moronic idiot with little grasp of reality. We hold the presidency and we hold the senate. And while you may grouse and bitch like a child with an IQ in double figures, those are the fucking facts. And, by the way....fuck you. Originally Posted by timpage
Marking you off my lawyer list. You suck...geeezee...Give me a good old LL anyday.
That is too fucking funny Iffy....good one.....
Timmy The Lawyer is more inept than a "ticket fixer " ....TFF.

Marking you off my lawyer list. You suck...geeezee...Give me a good old LL anyday. Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB