DOMS is much more variable than that I'm afraid. Volume of work, Intensity of work, density of the muscle in question, size of the muscle in question, hydration, daily caloric intake, macro-nutrient intake, and sleep are ALL factors that play a direct role in how sore you get and for how long.
My doctor told me to always eat carbs in the morning and no carbs afternoon?
This is an old wife's tale. And, your doctor is an idiot. He should know better...
I broke my soda addiction by drinking canned sparkling water from HEB. No sodium, caramel coloring, artificial sweetener, nada. My brain thinks that I'm drinking a soft drink, so I haven't craved a soda in over 6 months now.
That's a good start. Unfortunately you've only solved ONE of the TWO big problems that sodas bring to the table. The first is the sugar-based calories...that a big one. And, it's certainly the bigger of the two. But, the carbonation is also a problem for people trying to actually get into better physical condition. You see that carbonation (CO2) will will a receptor in a red blood cell where an Oxygen (O2) molecule will normally be! This causes a pretty significant and noticeable decrease in aerobic capacity. I.E. you get winded sooner and harder than you normally would. So, you've made the first step, GREAT! Now, make the second, trash the sparkling water for the REAL DEAL. And don't forget, every single chemical process in the human body uses water either directly or as a catalyst for another reaction. Yes, it's THAT important.
My PHD chemist brother recommends mega does (1000 mg) of vitamin C.
Well, your brother is an idiot who should stick to chemistry and keep his nose out of nutrition and physiology. Vitamin C is WATER SOLUBLE. What that means is that your body immediately dumps whatever it doesn't need! So, if the instant you wake up in the morning your body need 1g of C, and you give it that're perfect. If you then come back 6 hours later and do the same've likely wasted about .995g of vitamin C. You ARE creating some very expensive urine however! Mega-dosing Vitamin C has been fundamentally DISPROVED in university studies over a dozen times. As an academic with a Ph.D. tell you brother do do a simple source check next time he wants to make recommendations outside his field.
/rant off