mojorisin's Avatar
Hmmm. We've hung out at least 4 times so I'm all for it.
Lil' Tex's Avatar
Especially when Free looks so good!
Sounds great in theory. Over the years I don't recall ever having seen any of these board offers actually followed through in practice. Usually the provider schedule gets kinda tight right about that 4th session.
At least you're offering. That's a start.
D1ckNice's Avatar
Um ...count me in. Always a good time!
txlakefun's Avatar
It is a Sound strategy for client loyalty.

If it didn't work then my wallet wouldn't be full of punch cards , loyalty cards, frequent flyer cards... etc.. etc... Originally Posted by harkontume
+ 1 - Clearly loyalty programs work. Showing your appreciation will go a long way and will get you a few more regulars. I really wished my ATF had offered a 2 for 1 after say 3 visits so the 4th visit is 2 hrs at hr donation. I always wanted a longer session but couldn't justify it since I could barely walk after 1 hr.
Every 4th visit free....

In other words they pay the full rate 3 times (or a total of $750) but get 4 dates....

I think it would be really complicated to keep track of.

Especially for the clients who see you 4 times over the span of a year!

I would recommend a different way: I would not offer a free appointment, but do a sliding scale.

I see your rates are currently 150 half hour 250 full hour.
Offer a discount that increases with each additional visit during any given calendar month.
Similar to vanishing deductible, but a vanishing rate.

For 1 hour appointments....
1st visit is full rate ($0 discount, he pays $250)
2nd visit is 10% off your rate. ($25 discount, he pays $225)
3rd visit 20% off your rate. ($50 discount, he pays $200)
4th visit and any additional visits: 50% off. ($125 discount, he pays $125)

Adding up 4 visits this way comes to $800 total, pretty close to the $750 you would be collecting by doing every 4th date completely free.

Plus if they see you a 5th or 6th time in the same month, the 50% discount still applies.

If I were a client, I'm not sure I would want anyone keeping record of how many times they had seem me. Being able to delete numerous emails and trash papers at the end of each month I think would be much safer than keeping tally for each and every person indefinitely.

Whatever you do, I would do something to where when the next month starts, the rate goes back up to your full rate.
Secret_Amore's Avatar
I too have been thinking about some sort of "loyalty" program but in a you get a sizable discount not a freebie

but I shelved the idea it was a little much for a newbie on the scene. but not that I am verified I may have to reconsider...

On NR when the idea was pitch a few guy voice concerns of how you would keep "track" (though i think this only really applies if you are high volume or there are really Large amounts of time stretches between visit)

lots of guys don't like the idea of a Lady keeping personal info on them but if all you have in a hobby name, number and email what damning info do you really have??? o.O to be so dang worried about

Personally I still say and encrypted flash drive is the way to go small easy to hide made of breakable plastic easy to destroy and or dispose of in some other fashion also not stored and remembered on your hard drive.

and hypothetically if a lady were to keep track she could put a little check or mark or notation on how many visit and that solves the keeping track of any discount or special a lady may choose to employ for frequent visitors of any time frame be it 3months- a year
harkontume's Avatar
At the end of the Day. If there is chemistry then there will be returns.
If there are returns then there could be a special donation structure "just for you baby cause I like you so much"
If there is a special donation structure then Mr. Regular would have to pay more to "visit" new Lady.
So the chemistry and pricing work together to encourage Loyalty.
Who knows , from there it could be ATF time.

This is how it has always worked in the past.
D1ckNice's Avatar
At the end of the Day. If there is chemistry then there will be returns.
If there are returns then there could be a special donation structure "just for you baby cause I like you so much"
If there is a special donation structure then Mr. Regular would have to pay more to "visit" new Lady.
So the chemistry and pricing work together to encourage Loyalty.
Who knows , from there it could be ATF time.

This is how it has always worked in the past. Originally Posted by harkontume
Well said!