It wasn't me, and by the way your a Fucking Asshole for bringing my Name up in this thread.
You have no right to accuse me of anything.
You don't know me, or know anything about me.
Keep your fucking mouth shut, or your fingers off your key board.
So you have to be the bad ass for the whole site now.
because everyone else has grown up, and are acting their age.
Do you treat the providers the same you treat other people.
no wonder your always pissed, from not getting laid...
I don't need to threaten to harm anyone.
Karma is a bitch, and if a provider will see you, I hope they raise the price, just for being a prick.
No I tell them to only pay my advertised rate, no more, no less.
So have fun sitting at home jacking off to everyone else's reviews.
BTW you are now the Drama Whore of the site.
with every thread you write you cause Drama... maybe the site should start giving point's for causing Problems, or making unjust statements and accusing people doing others harm... I would request you be Banned for a while...
This might be good for your no review Club or Gang or Cock Gaggers Group.
I love the cock gaggers group Originally Posted by Helicopter206
I havent accused you of anything, your doing a good job of that yourself. Let me get this right, your calling me names and your demanding I be banned, okay. By the way Iam glad you enjoy that group so much.