THN - I don't think there is any way of collecting cancellation fees - one lady here says, 'if you cancel, you cannot reschedule.' A bit harsh, for sure, but I think that weeds most of the crap for her. I see many cancellation policies on websites - all use different time frames, but the basic idea is, 'cancel with notice and you are forgiven on the the first appt' -- 'with notice' ranges from an hour to mega hours... again, up to the lady.
What you experienced is an anomaly - as in, it probably won't happen to that extent again.
Make sure these gents are held to the same standards as anyone else... also you did not share the reasons for cancellations - and that could be a source of total frustration.
Bottom line - for me - if I dig a babe, I'm not going to flake on her ... goes to another thread, I take the time to know the lady and have minimal interaction before the date - with ME, no chance of a cancellation unless a true/work emergency
Originally Posted by Luvyduvy
One cancelled bc he said he got busy. This was his explanation in an email days later. The other one ended up calling me shortly after posting this to make it up to me. Thank you, sir! The other of the three this week sent me a bs excuse this morning on p411 that he was at work all day with no access to his account. I'm sorry but my number is posted. Not only did he request a two hour appt he requested I get all super dolled up which took two hours in addition to the two he requested. And no, until he compensates me for at least 50% of the time we were to spend I will not accept a booking. Ladies if u Dont want it to happen to u I'll be glad to share his info with u via pm. The NERVE!! UGH!!!