I had the same issue, and realized it had two ways to call, under the call button, and I have to click the name of my phone on it to get it to work. it's under the Phone to call with tab.
Originally Posted by PetiteJill
I finally found it after reverting to the desktop version. I don't recall having to go through that step before, although it is quite possible I changed something in my settings that caused it to default to my email address.
One followup to this: will clicking Call with <my mobile phone> cause my mobile number to appear? In the past I could make calls w/o that being an issue (although I could never make it where my GV number appeared on the receiving end; always showed up as a blocked or private number).
Again, while I appreciate the iPhone app may make this process easier, I am trying to avoid having such an app on my phone. At this time I'm still trying to make this work using the browser version of GV.