really annoying

harkontume's Avatar

You say you don't give your regulars priority. I think you might want to change that. A regular gets that privilege because he is a repeat customer, has shown up on time, and has paid with no problems. I think that deserves priority booking. If it is a decision between a regular and a newguy, I would think the regular gets the call. If you already have a newguy booked, I wouldn't let the regular take his place.

. Originally Posted by JJones
Until and unless there is an agreed time there is no appointment.
Once time is agreed there IS an appointment.
Just when in the real world of appointments is there a decision between two clients for an appointment time? The appointment time exist and is either spoken for or not.
"Oh my look here , I somehow have two people scheduled the exact same time at 1:00pm!!! "

'I am so confused! "
"Oh Well John is my regular he wins. Howie is not my regular. He loses."
Until and unless there is an agreed time there is no appointment.
Once time is agreed there IS an appointment.
Just when in the real world of appointments is there a decision between two clients for an appointment time? The appointment time exist and is either spoken for or not.
"Oh my look here , I somehow have two people scheduled the exact same time at 1:00pm!!! "

'I am so confused! "
"Oh Well John is my regular he wins. Howie is not my regular. He loses." Originally Posted by harkontume
Thank you and thats what I was trying to say, if I have something set up first with someone and a reg of mine calls and wants that time well I am sorry hes gonna have to wait cause I am not just gonna cancel what I already have set. Lol its funny what some will say to get a word in and noticed. I am fair and like I said my regs get extra time sometimes 30 min session turns into a 45 mins or hour session, they get special privs with me and well they know
That would be like someone booking me for 15 mins and then someone who wants an hour calls and wants that time, is it ok for me to pick the bigger spender over the 15 mins, no I think not so take it how you want it!
I'm sure your business degree from A&M will be of great use to you some day.

All totally understandable and even though my gt grandma graduated with her english major lol I did not get those great qualities lol never really understood the difference between there, their and so on, even with my business degree lol owell, I knew what I was talking about lol
And for everything else yes NCNS are def not good at all, I have had some issues in the past but I took my time to think when I had the vacation time to think that I have been blessed to have the oppertunitie to be able to be part of all this and how it could make me, my kids and familys lifes alot easier which is my job to do for them being their mother lol, and being the oldest child in the family. So I have not NCNS anyone else, I have been doing my best since all the HS drama crap. I am not afraid ever to admit when I am wrong I was taught that is part of being a grown up and a woman, by my mother so no body will ever hear me say what I do isnt always the right thing. That being said, everyones right, being called even 10 mins before is def better then no call or text. So I was venting yesterday, everyone has the right to do that and since alot of us basically live off of eccie and this world I see ya'll as my other fucked up family lol my other ones in iowa and I love everyone the same lol just this family I am usually fucking sucking or my sisters from other misters well they give me great support and never had a bad encounter with any of them since I have been on my own. Even you Fun2cum how could I not care when part of you have slide down my throat a few time lol anyways everyone have a great day, no harm no fowl, I know what I get into when I post so I dont take anything to heart, have a awesome day
xoxoxoxxoxoxox shaylaxoxoxoxxo Originally Posted by shayla84
I'm sure your business degree from A&M will be of great use to you some day. Originally Posted by Pflugerbill


You Quoted Did She Say That She Had A Degree From A&M?!?!?!?


thanks Ms Lilly, and I graduated with my associates from a university thank you and as that might not be good enough for some its good enough for me so hey, at least I have a degree.
I know what you mean! And in the wonderful world of Waco it's completely normal!!! It happens an awful lot & I hate it. But I definitely am one to have to be in charge of my time. Actually, I only accommodate to the hectic availability of 1 hobbyist here....
harkontume's Avatar
Does A&M have a Business School?


Who woulda thunk it!