shayla;Until and unless there is an agreed time there is no appointment.
You say you don't give your regulars priority. I think you might want to change that. A regular gets that privilege because he is a repeat customer, has shown up on time, and has paid with no problems. I think that deserves priority booking. If it is a decision between a regular and a newguy, I would think the regular gets the call. If you already have a newguy booked, I wouldn't let the regular take his place.
. Originally Posted by JJones
Once time is agreed there IS an appointment.
Just when in the real world of appointments is there a decision between two clients for an appointment time? The appointment time exist and is either spoken for or not.
"Oh my look here , I somehow have two people scheduled the exact same time at 1:00pm!!! "
'I am so confused! "
"Oh Well John is my regular he wins. Howie is not my regular. He loses."