its only preseason but..

pyramider's Avatar
Give Romo a break. It problem starts with Jerry and ends with Jones. He thincks he is the GM and Head Coach. The only two Head Coaches the girls have had in 20 years were Jimmy and Bill. All of the others were just coordinators. Remember, all the poor drafting in the world cannot protect a quarterback. The cowsheep will have to wait unit dementia removes Jerry from office before the Cowgirls will sniff another Superbowl.
Really? Going out on a limb with that statement, aren't we? lol!

I kid, but seriously, let's face it.....if memory serves me right, NO team has ever won a Super Bowl with an undrafted free agent at quarterback. So I'll make that wager, as well.

Romo's talented enough to win (put him on either Denver or San Fran's team and my guess is he'd do just fine). But, here in Dallas, with a gaggle of human turnstiles in front of him.....he'll be running for his life, once again.....and 8-8 maybe 9-7 is the best we can hope for.


They will never win a super bowl as long as Romo is their QB, and I will put my money on that statement. Originally Posted by fryec
Papa Noel's Avatar
Your memory is terrible......remember Kurt Warner............just saying.
Don't you just hate actual facts? LOL
Well....(don't I have egg on my face)....I stand corrected, could I forget the one-time grocery stockboy, Warner? And to think he almost won Super Bowls with 2 different franchises, too (which would've been another first). So...maybe there's hope for Romo afterall (any chance we can get the same caliber of O-linemen that Kurt once enjoyed?)
Thanks for setting me straight~

Your memory is terrible......remember Kurt Warner............just saying. Originally Posted by Papa Noel
Laura Lynn's Avatar
I'm just happy football is here!! Personally, I love em' Cowgirls, Steelers & Patriots.
Papa Noel's Avatar
I wish I could have seen but I am being held hostage by FUCKING TWC Originally Posted by skirtchaser79411
Well if you have a digital can get you a set of digital "rabbit ears" and watch them over the air like I do. I haven't had cable since the 70s. If you do this, I would suggest the powered models. They work much better than the un-powered kind.