Obama's Indoctrition Working

Back to the originol topic. Is there any of you, regardless of your political leanings, that thinks this "cult of personality" shit has any place in The United States.

This type of crap has always been reserved for Counties like China, (Mao), North Korea, certain African Countires, a few Latin American Countries, and any Country with "democratic people's" in it's official name.

My bet is if President Obama had the opportunity, he would say to that young man, "don't do that".
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Name dropper. How do you know that I didn't make it as a Rhodes Scholar? You don't. More importantly maybe I didn't try because I was busy protecting your freedoms. I will always take my military career over a dubious academic title.

As for my post, I included a link. Tell me where I was wrong (read the link).

Aside; is Bill Clinton a Rhodes Scholar? He got the position through segregationist J William Fulbright but he never finished. He quit! Like Jimmy Carter quit the nuclear program before he finished he still claims to be a nuclear engineer. So if a democrat does not finish something does that count?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I can't draw cartoons to my satisfaction but I have had this idea in my head for over 20 years and nothing has changed to discredit it.

First Panel: Two men in an audience, one (who we will call A)is excited, sweaty, and smiling. His eyes are glassy and focused on the stage. The other man (we'll call him B) looks perplexed.
B: Are you sure about this?
A: Look, he is a dynamic speaker, he is charismatic, he can conquer the crowds....
B: but his message...
A: Don't worry, we just have to win the election and he can do that

Next Panel; prospective pulls back to show them watching Hitler make a speech in front of a cheering crowd.

B: but it's HITLER!!!
A: Your point is?
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The last time I looked, Hitler (and the usual list of suspects throughout history who seek popular "mandates" from the masses) made lots of hay while the sun shone on the "enemies of the Arayan super race." Sort of like you and your birther, teawipe, "keep the government out of my Medicare" (ahem) "patriots" who are hell-bent on saving the country from what the people in the country want. Idiot - no, make that idjit.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Back to the originol topic. Is there any of you, regardless of your political leanings, that thinks this "cult of personality" shit has any place in The United States.

This type of crap has always been reserved for Counties like China, (Mao), North Korea, certain African Countires, a few Latin American Countries, and any Country with "democratic people's" in it's official name.

My bet is if President Obama had the opportunity, he would say to that young man, "don't do that". Originally Posted by Jackie S
Great thought, now start with your plan and Ronald Reagan. You're an idiot.
You've had a cartoon in your head for 20 years? This explains a lot....

I can't draw cartoons to my satisfaction but I have had this idea in my head for over 20 years and nothing has changed to discredit it.

First Panel: Two men in an audience, one (who we will call A)is excited, sweaty, and smiling. His eyes are glassy and focused on the stage. The other man (we'll call him B) looks perplexed.
B: Are you sure about this?
A: Look, he is a dynamic speaker, he is charismatic, he can conquer the crowds....
B: but his message...
A: Don't worry, we just have to win the election and he can do that

Next Panel; prospective pulls back to show them watching Hitler make a speech in front of a cheering crowd.

B: but it's HITLER!!!
A: Your point is? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Back to the originol topic. Is there any of you, regardless of your political leanings, that thinks this "cult of personality" shit has any place in The United States.

This type of crap has always been reserved for Counties like China, (Mao), North Korea, certain African Countires, a few Latin American Countries, and any Country with "democratic people's" in it's official name.

My bet is if President Obama had the opportunity, he would say to that young man, "don't do that". Originally Posted by Jackie S
I see no evidence of a "cult of personality", that's an invention of the right-wing conservative entertainment industry that allows folks, like you, to try to draw an analogy between old-time communist China and North Korea.

What is far far more disturbing, and all too real, is the culture of hatred and intolerance displayed by the right for President Obama since the day he was elected....and that is on display here every single day. It's divisive and poisonous. I get disagreeing with Obama. But, the claims that his presidency isn't legitimate, that he was born in Kenya, that he has a cult of personality like North Korea.....that he is stupid, that he only got where he is due to affirmative action, blah blah blah. I try not to throw the race card but it's hard not to when seeing some of the bullshit you people toss out there....hard to see how there could be any other reason for the absolute unreasoning hatred for the man. It's not about disagreement with politics or policies. It's beyond that and it's disturbing.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-13-2013, 02:57 PM
I see no evidence of a "cult of personality", that's an invention of the right-wing conservative entertainment industry that allows folks, like you, to try to draw an analogy between old-time communist China and North Korea.

What is far far more disturbing, and all too real, is the culture of hatred and intolerance displayed by the right for President Obama since the day he was elected....and that is on display here every single day. It's divisive and poisonous. I get disagreeing with Obama. But, the claims that his presidency isn't legitimate, that he was born in Kenya, that he has a cult of personality like North Korea.....that he is stupid, that he only got where he is due to affirmative action, blah blah blah. I try not to throw the race card but it's hard not to when seeing some of the bullshit you people toss out there....hard to see how there could be any other reason for the absolute unreasoning hatred for the man. It's not about disagreement with politics or policies. It's beyond that and it's disturbing. Originally Posted by timpage

I B Hankering's Avatar
And what about bush. This one is creepy.
But you probably are ok with it.
Is that old white lady speaking in tongue?

I B Hankering's Avatar
And what about bush. This one is creepy.
But you probably are ok with it.
Is that old white lady speaking in tongue? Originally Posted by ilikefun
Perhaps if you actually had the intellect to understand what you observed you wouldn't embarrass yourself so badly, ilikefun. Despite the "title" of the video on Youtube, the children are NOT praying "to" President Bush, as you and the disingenuous poster of the video so ignorantly suggest. Rather, the children are quite clearly praying "for" "Mr. President", as the leader of this country, and directing "Mr. President"", as the leader of this country, to adhere to the principle addressed in the Pledge of Allegiance: that the U.S. is -- and that it remain --"one nation under God." It's also notable how you ignorantly failed to notice the second flag on the podium, which is the Christian flag; hence, denoting this event did not occur in public -- tax payer funded -- school.

BTW, did you notice how no one repeatedly chanted the name "Bush" in the video you chose to cite? While it's religious and patriotic, it does not even begin to approximate cult of personality worship expressed in Odumbo's cult videos.

Whatever dude,
that video is creepy.
She is telling the childrenz to bless the messiah.

Side note, I think you can relate to this link:


Im atheist, what are you?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-13-2013, 05:36 PM
Whatever dude,
that video is creepy.
She is telling the childrenz to bless the messiah.

Side note, I think you can relate to this link:


Im atheist, what are you? Originally Posted by ilikefun

don't pay any attention to that worm, he/she is the joke of the board
Though they still use the term, I don't think that they should refer to them as Rhodes Scholars. The scholarship is not really based on scholarly pursuits. It is more of a popularity and connectivity award. Yes, you have to have some transcripts (that would explain why Barry didn't make it) but most of the process is recommendations, civil actions, and who you know. http://www.rhodesscholar.org/applyin...e-scholarship/ Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Bill Clinton won a Rhodes Scholar. Who did he "know" to get that? He was trailer trash raised by a single mother. Not exactly a connecter guy.

Name dropper. How do you know that I didn't make it as a Rhodes Scholar? You don't. More importantly maybe I didn't try because I was busy protecting your freedoms. I will always take my military career over a dubious academic title.

As for my post, I included a link. Tell me where I was wrong (read the link).

Aside; is Bill Clinton a Rhodes Scholar? He got the position through segregationist J William Fulbright but he never finished. He quit! Like Jimmy Carter quit the nuclear program before he finished he still claims to be a nuclear engineer. So if a democrat does not finish something does that count? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
What, exactly, was your point in stating that he got his scholarship through "segregationist" W. Fulbright?

Of what relevance are Fulbright's biases to Clinton's qualifications?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Whatever dude,
that video is creepy.
She is telling the childrenz to bless the messiah.

Side note, I think you can relate to this link:


Im atheist, what are you? Originally Posted by ilikefun
The direct quote, ilikefun, was "Mr. President". You have supernatural voices in your head if you heard anyone in that video call President Bush "messiah".

don't pay any attention to that worm, he/she is the joke of the board Originally Posted by CJ7
You're dyed-in-the-wool Odumbo drone, CBJ7, and your joke is in the White House.