Provider, Escort, Hooker, Concubine, Sugar Baby, Mistress, Prostitute, Call Girl, Streetwalker, Courtesan, Trollop, Strumpet, Penis Enthusiast, Sperm Evacuation Specialist, Orgasm Administrator, Horizontal Mambo Technician…. BUT NOT “WHORE”

fun2come's Avatar
Try reacting the opposite and see what happens! I hear that works sometimes! Originally Posted by Still Looking
No, who told you THAT???
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-17-2013, 02:34 PM
Also, words cannot hurt me but actions can.

We all have words that sound offensive to us, but they are only words. Originally Posted by fun2come
And what usually cause those actions? Yep, words.

When we think a thought, speak or write, we use... words. Words are at the core of all of that. Words mean things and it is those meanings that cause actions.

You attempt to trivialize them does not wash.
thisguy23's Avatar
And what usually cause those actions? Yep, words.

When we think a thought, speak or write, we use... words. Words are at the core of all of that. Words mean things and it is those meanings that cause actions.

You attempt to trivialize them does not wash. Originally Posted by Mokoa

What somebody thinks, speaks or writes cannot cause me to act. I control and am responsible for my actions.
I agree words have meaning, but the only power they have is the power you give them.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
So after a long talk on other matters its now my time.

she's looking for lotion.
I say I don't want none
she calls me a fucking asshole
STFU bitch and sit on my face
so she starts a BBBJ

2 out of 3 not bad
no lotion, and no talking

I would ask in ASK SL, but how it went, here looks better. ijs

that whore never listens ta me, but always askin if I hear her.
ahhh it would be a "yes" review
PS: one of my reviews of her Just when I think we both said the stupidest thing ever, we keep talking!
the 90 days is up.
Still Looking's Avatar
So after a long talk on other matters its now my time.

she's looking for lotion.
I say I don't want none
she calls me a fucking asshole
STFU bitch and sit on my face
so she starts a BBBJ

2 out of 3 not bad
no lotion, and no talking

I would ask in ASK SL, but how it went, here looks better. ijs

that whore never listens ta me, but always askin if I hear her.
ahhh it would be a "yes" review
PS: one of my reviews of her Just when I think we both said the stupidest thing ever, we keep talking!
the 90 days is up. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
You can ALWAYS post a review... with pictures if possible!
Still Looking's Avatar
You forgot

(godless) Harlot
(shameless) Hussy
(saucy little)Tart
Woman of loose morals and ill repute (my personal favorite)

All of the above, and whore is included, can be delicious in the right setting, or cruel. Its all about context. I love leaning into a man's ear and whispering "I'm a dirty little whore" in his ear before giving his earlobe a little flick with my tongue. When used for dirty talk, I love all of the above. It is only when words like whore are thrown out as an epithet that the word becomes dirty or hurtful, and even then, it is up to the person being labeled to decide if it the word hurts or not. For my part, it amuses me when someone calls me a whore with the expectation that I will be offended.

I'm a whore. Simple as that. Not only am I a whore, I'm a damned good one and I love it. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
Shout out to one of my favorite providers!

Sub titled for all the "blondes".
Hmm... what do you think of the title "manwhore"?
offshoredrilling's Avatar
You can ALWAYS post a review... with pictures if possible! Originally Posted by Still Looking
I think I will call it

2 out of 3 taint bad
thisguy23's Avatar
I think I will call it

2 out of 3 taint bad Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Here is a video to go along with it.
Still Looking's Avatar
Hmm... what do you think of the title "manwhore"? Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
It makes me thinck of my Ex-wives!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
mmmmmm that is better than

King of the Hill Quotes: "Hilloween" - the GeocitiesSites‎
JUNIE: Why don't we start things off with a little quiz? LUANNE: Oh, I ... HANK: Luanne, just when I think you've said the stupidest thing ever, you keep talking.

that should have been part of the review I posted

thanks thisguy23

crap: half of my reviews fit this threAD
It makes me thinck of my Ex-wives! Originally Posted by Still Looking
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
What about "soiled dove"?
fun2come's Avatar
What about "soiled dove"? Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent
That made me think of one of my favorite German words back in the days:
which translate literally to, you might wanna put that coffee down first:
curb swallow

meaning actually is alley cat or streetwalker.

Sorry, that's what happens when you are bi-lingual or was that bi-polar, same thing probably, I can never tell.
burkalini's Avatar
As long as she keeps me happy I'll call her madam president if she wants. I have had a couple of civie girlfriends that wanted me to call them whores when I was fucking them. It's the context when you say it that's important. SL when someone calls you a manwhore it's almost a compliment but when your ex-wife called you that it was definitely not.