Providers and some of their Habits

I'm new to hobbying, but I've already learned the axiom you get what you pay for definitely applies. Originally Posted by bbtony
No, sir. All you can do is HOPE you get what you paid for. Hobby enough, and you'll be badly disappointed by some 300+ an hour girls, while being richly rewarded by some 200 (or less) an hour girls. I could, if I were so inclined, dig up several reviews of sessions where ladies in the 250 to 350 range engaged in exactly the kind of behavior described by the OP. As often as not, the hourly rate is merely an arbitrary number that bears little if any correlation to the quality of the experience provided. Or at least that's been my experience, and (handle aside) I'm NOT new to this. I would suggest that you ignore the rate until after you've thoroughly researched the lady, and then make your short list without reference to rates (although the rate may play a role in who you actually see AFTER the short list is created). That's what's worked for me, and you'll find the rates of the ladies I've reviewed are all over the spectrum. But, because I did my research beforehand and without regard to rate, they've all shared one thing in common: each provided an exceptional experience -- an experience that exceeded real world expectations.

Happy hobbying....
Eccienewbie, you are right. Rate isn't an all inclusive indicator. But better experiences generally aren't the lowball red light specials you see some guys chase after.

I guess I'm fortunate that I've found four women I want to see repeatedly. I may at some point see a 5th, but I will not expand beyond that. I really prefer a woman.know me and what I like. I also like scheduling once we know each other. It's way easier.

Yes I have had bad high cost experiences too. Those are the worst. For that I could've had a much better time with someone else. You live and learn.

In this hobby the one acronym that always applies is YMMV.
I'm sorry I agree with Raquel and BSB. Most of the time the phone coming out is just wrong. That being said, I have had to answer a text or two when a session is running over and need to let my nanny know (never during activities or anything that trashy though). From what I'm reading here though, it seems the general assumption is that there is a revolving door of dicks eagerly awaiting your departure. Does everyone really think that?? Couldn't it simply be real life eagerly awaiting the lady to come back to it??
rcinokc's Avatar
Make sure you put it in the review, in the activities section so everyone can see it.
Vivienne Rey's Avatar
Yikes! I don't do this when I'm out with friends, much less someone who is paying me. Seems to be the norm these days. If I could get away without having a cell phone, I would. I hate texting even more.
What if its the other way around? The guy is paying and pulls out his phone mid session?

I had a guy take a call during a session, it really pissed me off so I sternly told him if that shit happens again he can leave, of course he does it again! I asked him to leave no refund!

I have never felt so disrespected nor will I ever do so to the hobbyists
bored@home's Avatar
That being said, I have had to answer a text or two when a session is running over and need to let my nanny know (never during activities or anything that trashy though). Originally Posted by thathottnurse
I have no issue with this, or if there is a issue or need then by all means....(emergency ring tone).
The problem I have is the mood killer of not being the focus of the attention.

From what I'm reading here though, it seems the general assumption is that there is a revolving door of dicks eagerly awaiting your departure. Does everyone really think that?? Couldn't it simply be real life eagerly awaiting the lady to come back to it?? Originally Posted by thathottnurse
A lot depends on the provider but yes, sometimes it is VERY clear that there is a revolving door.
-Early knock at the door
-Dude waiting on the couch in the living room flipping channels
-Pile of towels and other evidence filling the trash can
-Multiple various size recent (wet) foot prints on the bathmat

Those are a few of my favorite tell-tale run-ins and yes some from "higher end" providers based on rate and reviews....
Then there are others who may have the revolving door but you would never know unless you looked for it.
LovingKayla's Avatar
You know it's stories like these that make dominating the market with superior service, mean squat. are right on......get up and leave!!!
What if its the other way around? The guy is paying and pulls out his phone mid session?

I had a guy take a call during a session, it really pissed me off so I sternly told him if that shit happens again he can leave, of course he does it again! I asked him to leave no refund!

I have never felt so disrespected nor will I ever do so to the hobbyists Originally Posted by Lolabrea01
Lola if a guy is messing with his phone in your presence his head is totally in the wrong place. You can have my undivided attention quite easily.

I actually have a no cell rule when going out to lunch and dinner. You can put it away and it can wait. Your electronic friends can wait when you are out with real friends. Nothing ducks up a good time like a cell phone.
I put the phone on silent and attend to any emails calls texts etc when my session is over. I wouldnt want a client texting during a session either. It would make me uncomfortable. I think its rude and really annoying to do so. Obviously she doesnt care about repeat business.
vixstudios's Avatar
I use to text nonstop when I waited tables in high-school.. looking back, no telling how many people I pissed off
uniquemonique's Avatar
Answering the phone and text while in an appointment is just plain RUDE. When I am with a special friend, I do my Best to give them my undivided. They deserve to have it! Not to mention they are paying for it!! I turn my phone off in sessions.
I'm so old school I don't take the phone in. There are some places our tethers don't belong. The bedroom is one of them.

However, depending on the client's "professional profile" there may be some business at hand that makes $300 pussy seem like a fart in a whirlwind, in which case if the phone comes out over a "big deal", deal with it.

Here it is. though, for the modern world. The service entity, the "provider" shouldn't answer the phone. Client picks up the phone while his dick is in you somewhere, it might be important. It doesn't matter. As stated, it's his time. Take a coffee break and come back when he's done breaking ground on a shopping mall or closing a record deal. Shit happens. But since it's his time, the "provider" should obey all the Miss Manners bullshit conveyed on a service industry person and refrain from conducting personal business or entainment on "company" time. Like the way a lot of grocery store chains make employees park their cellphones before they clock in. Hey, maybe it's a fantasy, dude wants to be Tony Soprano or some shit and talk on the phone during a blow job. Who cares? It pays the same as the guy who wants you to jack him off with your feet!
Phil, I want to meet a girl who can jack me off with stockinged feet while she uses her tongue and lips on the tip. I promise to not use my phone during this experience. If I ever get out my phone during an encounter, proceed with the CBT until I get my head straight.