I think there needs to be a 48 hour "cool down period" before you write a review. I would write two totally different reviews 48 hours apart. I would be more objective after the cool down. Originally Posted by NOGREEK4MEI sometimes forget what I had for dinner the night before, so waiting 48 hours for me could mean I wouldn't even remember half of what happened and my ROS would be "I showed up, we had sex, I left." I get my reviews out ASAP, since I have the whole memory thing. I once had a provider IM me with a "Wow, that was fast!" when the review was up inside of an hour after we were done. I'd have gotten it up sooner, but I can't text and drive at the same time.
As for accuracy, opinions differ. I rely on pics to make an initial choice, then read reviews to know what I can expect and make a final decision. And I don't just read one review.