Can book burnings be far behind?

Right wing evangelical Christians are as dangerous to our freedom as Muslim extremists. Anyone who thinks God has given them a special right to decide how others live, in matters unrelated to protecting one's life, liberty or property from seizure without due process, or by force or fraud, is extremely dangerous. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
More dangerous to our freedoms of life, liberty and property is the progressive left who want government to make these decisions for the individual.

Our freedoms are more threatened by the likes of Obama than some "bible thumper" in North Carolina !

Therefore, by COG's extension, they are more dangerous than Muslim extremists !

You don't want your 13 year old daughter to have access to birth control; FUCK YOU, we will do it behind your back (legally) !
Without any links it is impossible to comment on the validity of what you are ranting about....

What a shock! (Not). Another Thumper attack at free speech. “I don’t think this book is appropriate for MY kid, and I have so little influence over MY kids to do anything about it, so my only recourse is to insist that MY moral judgment must be forced upon everyone else. It is amazing how the RWWs want freedom of speech as long as it matches their views.
Yep, the Taliban has nothing on this North Carolina school board in this regard. Well done Bubba. Originally Posted by Old-T
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (aka: hardy-har-har)

O-T, so you're trying to see if the libriaritarian, free-thinking, defenders of "freedom" hereabouts will take issue with ultra-restrictive, super moral (well, their morals anyway) vigilantes, regardless of what is written in either book, and come out fully on the side of freedom of chioce?

Good luck with that (as we have seen).

Our host of Teawipe Jokers, with Mopboy and gritsboy at the intellectual head (omg, is that group in trouble), have ONCE AGAIN revealed themselves to be the biggest bunch of doctrinaire "My Way or the Highway" asswipes in captivity. Hell, even the Mopboy and gritsboy are pissing on each other's leg over this. Kind of reminds me of Lenin and Trotsky. I wonder who is going to wind up with a hammer in the back of their skull? Well, the good news is that one will send Trendaway to do their bidding and the other one will send IBS/OAB, so neither Mopboy nor gritsboy have much to worry about with those two klowns on the loose. Fascist nitwits.....
I B Hankering's Avatar
More dangerous to our freedoms of life, liberty and property is the progressive left who want government to make these decisions for the individual.
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
It's always been about oppression by those who govern, or those who wish to govern regardless of what sectarian "excuses" -- religious or political -- they may use to justify their excesses.

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! (aka: hardy-har-har) ....

Kind of reminds me of Lenin and Trotsky. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Fascinating choice of characters you used to support your ignorant POV, Randy4Andy: two men (one most definitely and the other very probably) who were killed by Stalin for ideology and NOT for religion, you stupid and very ignorant putz.

Oh! BTW, Lenin and Trotsky were "authors" who wrote "books" and pamphlets Stalin didn't agree with, and Stalin wasn't a "right-winger" or a Fascist: he was more like you and Odumbo
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
More dangerous to our freedoms of life, liberty and property is the progressive left who want government to make these decisions for the individual.

Our freedoms are more threatened by the likes of Obama than some "bible thumper" in North Carolina !

Therefore, by COG's extension, they are more dangerous than Muslim extremists !

You don't want your 13 year old daughter to have access to birth control; FUCK YOU, we will do it behind your back (legally) ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Of course, that's true as well. This thread was about RWECs.

RaggedyAndy, define fascist for the class and explain how anything JD, Whirly or I have promoted supports that system. Or apologize for being so stupid.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Of course, that's true as well. This thread was about RWECs.

RaggedyAndy, define fascist for the class and explain how anything JD, Whirly or I have promoted supports that system. Or apologize for being so stupid. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
gritsboy, run with the pigs and you get covered in sh*t. Poor choice on your part! This comes under the heading of, "Tough Sh*t."
3 posts and nothing but argumentum ad hominem about some facts and substance DandyRandy.................

gritsboy, run with the pigs and you get covered in sh*t. Poor choice on your part! This comes under the heading of, "Tough Sh*t." Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Oh I see, so who ever kills the most is the winner?? In my book it doesn't matter if one religion killed more and another killed less, they are both equally destructive, offensive, and fanatical regardless.

"That is like saying my religion is better because we only killed a million and they killed 2 million!" Do even see how obsurd that is?

In addition everything you posted is debatable... and no Hitler and Stalin were not atheists, as much as so many people want to believe. Most of what you listed is inaccurate.

But to say somehow because one fanatical religion kills less, or hasn't done as much lately as the other again, is assinine.

ANY RELIGION in my book is destructive, and causes people to stop with all "critical thinking skills", and believe false things. It is a MASS DELUSION of the poor and the easily fooled to believe in such nonsense. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
You're a hypocrite, Stan Duplicitous, because that's exactly what you did. The democides listed above were nondenominational and a-religious: just as you purport to be, Stan Duplicitous. So take your delusional and pretentious "Holier Than Thou" tripe elsewhere, Stan Duplicitous. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
I think you missed that part above highlighted and underlined. I and many others do not agree that Hitler or Stalin were atheists. In fact both were raised in Catholicism. It was our Government leaders that put it into peoples heads that "commies" were atheists.. and then went nuts by changing the "Pledge of Allegiance" to add "In God We Trust" and many other religiousy things to just further fear of the Communists.

The links you provided are inaccurate. Any website, can put their own slanted information or spin on history. Which is what many of those links you posted do.

But you totally missed the real point I was making, and that is ALL RELIGIONS are opiates for the masses, and uneducated. Mass delusions have been proven, and people want so badly to believe in fairy tales and cram it down others throats, by killing, enacting laws on ideological beliefs and religious more's. To say one religion is worse than the other because well, one religion killed less people is ridiculous. Any religion that condones killing for any reason based on their religious morals, teachings are fanatical period and should be stamped out in my opinion, they are dangerous to people. I think part of the reason you see this new pope trying so hard to speak in a different tone to the masses than his previous predecessors is because he realizes many people around the world are wising up, getting educated and turning to atheism or agnosticism. The new pope is doing damage control.

Anyway, I am done on this thread, some of you posters are truly retarded.
I B Hankering's Avatar
I think you missed that part above highlighted and underlined. I and many others do not agree that Hitler or Stalin were atheists. In fact both were raised in Catholicism. It was our Government leaders that put it into peoples heads that "commies" were atheists.. and then went nuts by changing the "Pledge of Allegiance" to add "In God We Trust" and many other religiousy things to just further fear of the Communists.

The links you provided are inaccurate. Any website, can put their own slanted information or spin on history. Which is what many of those links you posted do.

But you totally missed the real point I was making, and that is ALL RELIGIONS are opiates for the masses, and uneducated. Mass delusions have been proven, and people want so badly to believe in fairy tales and cram it down others throats, by killing, enacting laws on ideological beliefs and religious more's. To say one religion is worse than the other because well, one religion killed less people is ridiculous. Any religion that condones killing for any reason based on their religious morals, teachings are fanatical period and should be stamped out in my opinion, they are dangerous to people. I think part of the reason you see this new pope trying so hard to speak in a different tone to the masses than his previous predecessors is because he realizes many people around the world are wising up, getting educated and turning to atheism or agnosticism. The new pope is doing damage control.

Anyway, I am done on this thread, some of you posters are truly retarded. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
The "retarded poster" would be you, Stan Duplicitous. Your casual dismissal of extant facts that prove you're wrong illustrates just how retarded you are. Rummel is an expert in this field, and his numbers are valid. Plus:

"Stalin became an atheist."

"It is generally believed by historians that Hitler's post war and long term goal was the eradication of Christianity in Germany."

Hitler and Stalin were a-religious: just like YOU, Stan Duplicitous.

Religion isn't the opiate of the masses; Big Government is the opiate !

The Progressive nanny state makes you a slave, not religion.
.... ALL RELIGIONS are opiates for the masses, and uneducated. Mass delusions have been proven, and people want so badly to believe in fairy tales and cram it down others throats, by killing, enacting laws on ideological beliefs and religious more's..... Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
What a crock of shit !

Reads like freshmen year nonsense.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Can someone post a link to what the OP is referencing. I've been out of town & not watching the news.
I think you missed that part above highlighted and underlined. I and many others do not agree that Hitler or Stalin were atheists. In fact both were raised in Catholicism. It was our Government leaders that put it into peoples heads that "commies" were atheists.. and then went nuts by changing the "Pledge of Allegiance" to add "In God We Trust" and many other religiousy things to just further fear of the Communists. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Your post above is pretty ridiculous. You don't agree they are atheists because of how they were raised? Who cares, really?

It doesn't matter what/how you were "raised". It is what you believe that determines whether or not you are an atheist.

Bill Maher also was raised Catholic. Is there any doubt in your mind that Maher is an atheist?

Stalin openly embraced an atheist political doctrine and crushed religious freedoms. Can you direct us to ANY cite that shows Stalin expressing religious belief, particularly Catholic belief?

Can you do the same for Hitler?

Why stretch the truth and engage in mental gymnastics to avoid stating the obvious about both men. Neither of them believed in shit when it came to spiritual beliefs.

About the only thing either believed in was his own will to power.

And I'm pretty much an atheist myself.
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Your post above is pretty ridiculous. You don't agree they are atheists because of how they were raised? Who cares, really?

It doesn't matter what/how you were "raised". It is what you believe that determines whether or not you are an atheist.

Bill Maher also was raised Catholic. Is there any doubt in your mind that Maher is an atheist?

Stalin openly embraced an atheist political doctrine and crushed religious freedoms. Can you direct us to ANY cite that shows Stalin expressing religious belief, particularly Catholic belief?

Can you do the same for Hitler?

Why stretch the truth and engage in mental gymnastics to avoid stating the obvious about both men. Neither of them believed in shit when it came to spiritual beliefs.

About the only thing either believed in was his own will to power.

And I'm pretty much an atheist myself. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Take a moment to read this: Refuting the myth that Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot were atheists

In addition I might add,
With regard to Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and others like them, the better argument to make in all of these cases is that religion or lack of it (which ever you choose to believe) was not the primary motivator; rather it was ideology and unchecked political and military power. If people are too stupid to figure out the details of what really took place, you aren't going to convince them any way.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Take a moment to read this: Refuting the myth that Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot were atheists

In addition I might add,
With regard to Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and others like them, the better argument to make in all of these cases is that religion or lack of it (which ever you choose to believe) was not the primary motivator; rather it was ideology and unchecked political and military power. If people are too stupid to figure out the details of what really took place, you aren't going to convince them any way. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
You pointedly made it a "religious issue", Stan Duplicitous by skipping over post @ #19. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ceaușescu, the Kims and Pol Pot were atheist and Hitler was a-religious, Stan Duplicitous. The extant proof overwhelms your wretched "refutation".