Would You Put This Motor in a Mustang?

wouldn't put anything in a Mustang. Isn't it a FORD product? LOL
ManSlut's Avatar
And that's without a Supercharger, good work Ford, just don't put it in front of one of your shitty automatic transmissions though, at least not one of your post 90's ones...It should be against the law for an engine like this one to be in front of anything not shifted manually...But the Handicap People of America and the A.C.L.U. would fuck a law like that up.

Nice Ford, from a GM dude.

Edited: I saw a recent 'Fast and Loud' Gas Monkey Garage here in Dallas episode on the Discovery Channel and they dropped a crated Ford Racing Engine in something but I don't think it was this one...It's a cool show, check it out if you haven't seen it.