In situations like these the first reply should be "is there a problem officer"yup I have had officer pull me over,
and then go from there. BTW always ask a woman her name before getting a blowjob you just never know. Originally Posted by CummingsLane
cop: id's please
me: saying her real first name hand out to her for her ID
her: handing it over yes my real first name
me: hand mine and hers over without looking.
her: is there a problem sir
cop: well not answer, but asks what are you two up to
her: repeat last add why you pull us over
cob: more BS
her: more askin
cop: to me ok, what is her full name
me: honey is it current or maiden on the ID
her: current
me: I said her real full name as she
her: sir is there a problem and more questions BS
cop: to me hands over ID, get her the fuck away from me.
me: So can we go then
cop: YES just get her away from me
dang he seemed upset but let us go on are way
you CL are welcome in my ride anytime you need a ride
errrr if in ROC