suspense, anticipation, and the IOP

Great idea for the OP.

Come on over to the ML, grab a beer and let's have guy talk. Originally Posted by greedy
He can't.

He doesn't review and his plastic is in the wallet he doesn't have.

Making love
With his ego
Tony sucked up
Into his mind
melannie_star's Avatar
Okay so one thing I've noticed in my short hobby life is that there is a link between.anticipation, suspense, and passion. When I book in advance, flirt a little extra, chat it up a bit, make a few small requests, etc. things always go better. When I look fir something short notice, am stressed about things, have no lead in flirting things are not all that great.

I was booked ahead for over a week today. She had to cancel for very hood reasons and i will see her soon. I could tell it was going to be fun. So I got really bummed and tried making it up short notice with someone else today and fizzled... No fireworks, no magic and little IOP. Crazy thing is with the same lady two weeks ago it was crazy hot passionate and wild. She even hinted that for the lady suspense and flirting leading up to the day help her enjoy it more too.

So from now on no more short notice dates for Tony, unless its her idea. I had one of those at 7am once and it was hot.

Anyone else have similar experiences? I am always better if the gal is into it too. Do other ladies appreciate the prebooking and some mild flirting leading up to the date? I've found out i sure do. Originally Posted by pfmtony
Well..hello Tony..tough crowd huhlol
First and foremost I would like to say that you are a very sweet guy
with good intentions.I believe I have mentioned before..
As much as I've traveled and as many men I have had the pleasure of meeting,I have yet to find two people to ever be the same.
Everyone is here for different reasons but with one goal in hand.
So as long as your needs are being met in which ever way that may be..
then you have won!
I personally enjoy the flirtatious remarks but that is just me. It gives me a feel for who I am seeing personality wise,and makes me more comfortable.
When both people are comfortable with eachother...
Well you remember how that goes
Always makes for a good time.

There was this one (anonymous) I had been flirting with for weeks and schedules never allowed us to get together.Until one day..
everything was spontanious and last minute. Both of us running late due to But we were both determined and did not let that ruin our mood. Instead, it became fun and actually enjoyed the challenge.
Once finally got behind closed doors it was on
and on and on and on!! lol.

So moral to this story.. it really depends on the other persons personality and intentions themselves. some may call it work others say it is all fantasy.My fantasy's just seem to take a life of there own.
x-rated baby!
It's a typo for good. Posting on a phone is a pain in the ass.
He can't.

He doesn't review and his plastic is in the wallet he doesn't have.

Making love
With his ego
Tony sucked up
Into his mind Originally Posted by eccienewbie
Nope I don't review, and my plastic is in a moneyclip.

When I want to hang with guys, I go to the game or out for beers. I'm not sure I'm men's lounge material the way most around here act. We don't get along here, dont see how a change of forum will affect that. Anyone still thinking I'm anything other than Tony.should probably start asking around.

Fucking Rangers.... Now I have to decide how many seats and which section I want to suffer from next season.

Thanks to everyone with real thoughts. To the rest of ya, thanks for the laughs and have fun.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
It's a typo for good. Posting on a phone is a pain in the ass. Originally Posted by pfmtony
Yea I know ya meant good, I just thought hood was funny.

I like to plan my playtime out a couple of days ahead of time. It does make it way better for me. I have set up a few plan B's on the spot when something fell through and it's just not the same.
I'm not sure I'm men's lounge material the way most around here act. We don't get along here, dont see how a change of forum will affect that. Originally Posted by pfmtony
Yeah, your skin is a little thin. Probably wise to stay in the shallow end. On a positive note, it speaks well of you that you know at least some of your limitations.

Btw, you can't see what we type in private tags, can you?

I like to plan my playtime out a couple of days ahead of time. It does make it way better for me. I have set up a few plan B's on the spot when something fell through and it's just not the same. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
Thanks its great to hear I'm not alone in this. I was surprised as I had previously had a stellar experience with plan B. I know everyone has off days. I also know I just click better with some ladies. I was surprised to hear a provider say she likes planning ahead too though. It makes sense though, most of us are human.
Yeah, your skin is a little thin. Probably wise to stay in the shallow end. On a positive note, it speaks well of you that you know at least some of your limitations.

Btw, you can't see what we type in private tags, can you? Originally Posted by eccienewbie
Funny usually its one of me vs. 5 plus of you guys, and you think I have thin skin. You should go locate a mirror and take a long look at yourself. The thin skinned types are the ones seeking validation and conforming most often.

No I can't see the tags. I'm sure I can guess what they are though and who posted the tags though.

So EN, do you actually have an opinion on the topic? Are you man enough to share it?
So EN, do you actually have an opinion on the topic? Are you man enough to share it? Originally Posted by pfmtony
"Man enough" to share my thoughts on whether to book well in advance or just wing it? Gee, I don't know. That's a pretty frightening topic. Edgy, cutting edge stuff. It's one of those issues that most of us are uncomfortable discussing, because the consequences flowing from our answers could be dire. Oh, wtf, sure. I'll live on the wild side and be a thrill seeker. Here goes.....

I've discerned no appreciable difference between same day appointments and appointments booked with greater notice in terms of the quality of the session. All sessions have thus far been great, regardless of the amount of prior notice given.

Whew! That was scary. But I suddenly feel better. It's as if the weight of the world has been lifted from my shoulders now that I've shared my thoughts on the subject.

I look forward to your next thought-provoking thread wherein us real men can bare our souls and throw caution to the wind with reckless abandon by going on record with our opinions on the tough topics.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I have to admit that Tony annoyed the hell out of me as well, but you know what? He seems to be a nice guy. I don't remember a single post that he has made since he has been on this board that was trying to be an asshole and start some shit. I certainly have, and most others have as well on this board; don't remember him doing it though. Having said that, I'm not going to read through all of his many posts to see whether I am wrong.

He asked an honest question when he started this thread. Don't know why he's catching shit for it.

And back to the original point of this thread, I agree with Roger Smith. I'm only going to flirt with a lady if she is a civilian. For a provider who is a sure thing, I won't waste neither my time nor hers for a sure thing.....I get why guys do it though. But she is probably saying the same shit to every other guy who is flirting with her before an appointment, so what's the point?
lily blake's Avatar
your probably bugging the fuck out of the provider without even knowing if your personality on this forum is the same in real life. Just my 0.2cents
Bestman200600's Avatar
2 Benjamins is your ice breaker for a good date.
2 Benjamins is your ice breaker for a good date. Originally Posted by Bestman200600
With civvies and working girls both. All chics dig green.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
LOL sometimes I forget that sarcasm does not always read well over the internet
LOL sometimes I forget that sarcasm does not always read well over the internet Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Agreed. It doesn't. Thank you for clearing it up. Like I said i fully expected it, but from you unexpected. I should have known.