I don't publicize whether I have an SO or not, mainly because I don't think a hobbyist really cares to know..... Originally Posted by Lea MadissonYep most of us really dont care for you to divulge. Im sure their are exceptions to this where some guys are so in awe of a session his pillowtalk goes haywire and he inquires about aspects of your life and such. I tend not to ask about that stuff unless she volunteers that info herself. And luckily most dont.
Gloria--anytime babe!
I used to hide the fact i was married..but now my clients think it's cool and enjoy hearing some of my "swinger stories" Originally Posted by DallasRain
i check out dallas' pics and fantasize about wild sex with her. i think its so cool her husband is on board with her profession and is willing to share this incredibly sexy woman with us guys. i am so jealous thank this guys has banged her 1000 times when im just dreaming of doing her once.if i am ever lucky enough to feel myself slide inside her id be so happy to know dallas has a great guy to go home to and maybe she'd tell him "hun today i made one guy feel like the luckiest man on the planet by having sex with him' thaen if the hubby takes her good for him Originally Posted by petiteassmanDamn, Dallas... with all the banging, this guy sounds like your kind of guy!!! LOL