Big question and be honest

Gloria, you know i dont give a rats ass either way, in the 13 years that i have been doing this, i have ALWAYS had an SO and I ALWAYS make it known. if someone chooses not to see me afterwards or makes it out that it is a problem, oh frigging well. guys that have a problem with that, should be on a dating site trying to find the girl of their dreams, not in the hobby lol!
gimme_that's Avatar
I don't publicize whether I have an SO or not, mainly because I don't think a hobbyist really cares to know..... Originally Posted by Lea Madisson
Yep most of us really dont care for you to divulge. Im sure their are exceptions to this where some guys are so in awe of a session his pillowtalk goes haywire and he inquires about aspects of your life and such. I tend not to ask about that stuff unless she volunteers that info herself. And luckily most dont.

But even then it wont and shouldnt interest me in the least.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
I think it is better that provider has an SO in a stable understanding relationship, and no, I never ask and generally prefer not to know. I just assume that she does or might, just as do I, and that the SO might not know. Thus the need for ultraconfidentiality in both directions in our hobby.

The only time I've had a problem, and I think the ladies can identify with this, is if the SO does not know about the provider being in the business and finds out, or knows but does not approve and gets jealous and possessive.

I can recall an incident years ago in which a provider's SO unexpectedly showed up outside the provider's incall location hotel room and was banging on the door while were were banging inside. Well, my "flight or fight" instinct kicked in and shall we say that I "lost" a certain aspect of my play abilities until the guy gave up and left after there was no response of any kind from the room. Very tense situation, for sure.

I was lead to understand that they were going through a break up, apparantly one of many on again off again things. I don't need that sort of drama in my life any more than the ladies do.

BTW: After he left I was supplied with a little oral encouragement, after which we resumed our "banging" to mutual happiness. But I did not return to that provider. Just too much drama.

DallasRain's Avatar
good point Brer..tere is enough drama in this biz!!! I believe that in order to be married and be a provider,you better have a strong relationship...also it is essential to be able to talk issues about the biz over with your spouse...... AN OPEN MIND ABOUT LIFE GOES A LONG LONG WAY!!!!
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Honestly when i started this thread i was drunk and it didnt really come out the way i wanted it to but hey SHIT HAPPENS...I'll be sobber when i start another one..LOL
Gloria you are so cute! Your drunk brought up a good discussion topic though.

When I started the "come play with the other guys wife" was part of the advertising....and trust me there are a lot more out there that like the idea of a lady being married and her hubby NOT knowing then one would think

I am married....he does not know! there are papers in the works...

anyone want to celebrate my soon to be freedom with me ;-) before after again and again.... giggle
lilith! ill be your play toy anytime you want bb!
DallasRain's Avatar
wooooo Lilith..bring your girlfriends and come party on Bourbon!!!!
y'all are the only girlfriends that I would want to party on Bourbon Street with...giggle ;-)

(my RL girlfriends are married a little stuck up with hubbies that are sticks in the mud....LMAO...I have the best of both is grand)---hmmm....maybe I should try to recruit a few of them ROTFLMAOPOM
vicinms's Avatar
I agree that what's good for the goose should be good for the gander - there should be no double standard. While many providers have seemed reluctant to talk about an SO or other aspects of their personal lives, I assumed that was more for privacy/safety concerns. Never thought they might think I'd find it negative to think they had a real life. I don't generally bring up those details about my life unless asked but have had some very detailed conversations with a few providers about our family lives and in a way that made for a stronger connection, but that's pretty rare.

I've never met or talked to a providers SO (that I know of) but don't think I'd be uncomfortable unless they were and there are a few I definitely wouldn't mind seeing in an intimate setting with their SO, just for the experience, since it's something I've yet to try.
I always assumed clients heard "pimp" instead of SO?
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks Lillith---you are top notch!!!!

I tink that most clients don't care one way or the other..they just want you to treat them like a king for the time they "donated" for....hell most of them "wish" you were their wife{lol}!!!!
elcid180's Avatar
I agree with you Dallas
i check out dallas' pics and fantasize about wild sex with her. i think its so cool her husband is on board with her profession and is willing to share this incredibly sexy woman with us guys. i am so jealous thank this guys has banged her 1000 times when im just dreaming of doing her once.if i am ever lucky enough to feel myself slide inside her id be so happy to know dallas has a great guy to go home to and maybe she'd tell him "hun today i made one guy feel like the luckiest man on the planet by having sex with him' thaen if the hubby takes her good for him
Gloria--anytime babe!
I used to hide the fact i was married..but now my clients think it's cool and enjoy hearing some of my "swinger stories" Originally Posted by DallasRain
Lea Madisson's Avatar
i check out dallas' pics and fantasize about wild sex with her. i think its so cool her husband is on board with her profession and is willing to share this incredibly sexy woman with us guys. i am so jealous thank this guys has banged her 1000 times when im just dreaming of doing her once.if i am ever lucky enough to feel myself slide inside her id be so happy to know dallas has a great guy to go home to and maybe she'd tell him "hun today i made one guy feel like the luckiest man on the planet by having sex with him' thaen if the hubby takes her good for him Originally Posted by petiteassman
Damn, Dallas... with all the banging, this guy sounds like your kind of guy!!! LOL


