The Canadian Carpetbagger is forced to apologize for his Bataan Death March remark

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why are you apologizing to him?
LexusLover's Avatar
One can apologize to specific persons or groups who raise an objection to the comment by reassuring them one did not intend a slight to them or any disrespect, but was merely using an event as an analogy.

Some on here piling on Cruz might want to revisit some of their posts in this (and other) forums.

At least Cruz has the decency to apologize (or recognize the potentially offensive nature) ....

............ for his comments, even though he probably didn't have to do so.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Now, that's what I call the height of magnanimity! A real non-apologetic defense of a forced apology. Is your name Neugebauer, asswhole or is it Asshole Neugebauer?
A horseshit tempest in a teapot. Cruz shouldn't have apologized.

There are innumerable expressions in common use that are related to some World War II event.

How many references are there to something or other being like D-Day or Pearl Harbor or Hiroshima?

The phrase "hit the beaches" does not refer to Spring Break.

How many analogies are there that refer to being "led to the gas chamber" or "marched to the gas chamber"?

This was yet another example of political partisans detecting a needle of offense in a haystack of otherwise inoffensive blather. Originally Posted by ExNYer
LexusLover's Avatar
A real non-apologetic defense of a forced apology. Is your name Neugebauer, asswhole or is it Asshole Neugebauer? Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
The "guilty dog" barks first and loudest. It goes something like ...

.. mirror, mirror on the wall, who .......
A rat smells his hole first.
LexusLover's Avatar
A rat smells his hole first. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Does that irritate you when you are in line?
I observed it watching the right. Some really get pissed when you crash the line. Be more respectful of the other rats.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
The "guilty dog" barks first and loudest. It goes something like ...

.. mirror, mirror on the wall, who ....... Originally Posted by LexusLover
How's your hair-do coming, mirror gazer? Since I was pointing out the smudges of bullsh*t down the center of what you WROTE FIRST, I guess that you are correct about the guilty, barking dog - uh, you.

Another foray into the realm of Mopboy Q Corneyhole style deflection by yet another Teawipe dupe foiled again (not that hard).
LexusLover's Avatar
not that hard. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
In your mind, but that's a simple endeavor with minimal effort.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
In your mind, but that's a simple endeavor with minimal effort. Originally Posted by LexusLover
You're right, that's exactly what it takes to de-bullsh*t any of your flyweight posts.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He's quieted down a bit...why?

Because he's spamming ECCIE!