Why is it

Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Our estimated time for a reference check is 1 min or less!
Disclaimer: If I'm awake Originally Posted by gfx
Very nice!

Desperado, I would give you a good reference anytime.
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Have to agree with SFK, hard to beat P411, especially when seeing out of town visitors,key is to stay current. It's no coincidence that the most reputable ladies on this site,are on P411 as well.

Can't imagine anyone questioning a reference from the lady above.
Aw precious, you are very considerate. I promise if we've seen each other before and have had a great date, you would NOT be bothering me to ask for a reference. I hope you find that ATF doll, I'm sure she's lurking on this board as we speak.
Desperado's Avatar
Thanks Sonya, I always knew I could count on you but it's just been so long since I've seen you I didn't know if you would vouch for me

Thank you Tracy. I really appreciate that and hope that maybe I can see you soon
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Thanks Sonya, I always knew I could count on you but it's just been so long since I've seen you I didn't know if you would vouch for me Originally Posted by Desperado
You're welcome, A simple pm is all that was needed to see if I could give you a good reference. I remember all my friends pretty well. Enjoy and have fun!