"Temporary marriage?" Interesting request from a Muslim.

SlowHand49's Avatar
I imagine the only sheik he resembles is Sheik Yerbooty . . .

If you do it, don't sign anything . . . Could it be a visa extension/citizenship scam?
I've heard of this before .It's not a legally binding ceremony or anything, you simply repeat a few words. This is just how it's done in that culture.

I see it as an accomodation, kind of like how a Hindi believer might ask for his food to be cooked on a separate grill from one which beef is cooked on, etc etc.
[WARNING: Politically Incorrect Humor Follows]

Once the ceremony is over, you could play 9/11 with him.

Have him lay down and then blow the hell out of him. It works better if there are twin dicks (two guys).

[I now return you to a tasteful conversation that offends no one.]
baytownswm's Avatar
I have heard of this temp marraige thing (ex-army). I say fuck 'em all and not meaning in the hobby way. I'd run up and slap your pussy on him before he can get his crazy imam to bless the damn thing and laugh all the way out the door telling him his virgins are gone and he just got fucked. If he want's to play that game he can go back and play in the sand.
baytownswm's Avatar
PS, be sure and juice the bastard who's set to bless this thing too.
abdclub's Avatar
Run like hell!!!!

hmm... my thoughts is this guy is looney toons! but I would have to mess with him through email if I had time....giggle

but ya know this part of the religion sounds promising? What are you talking about? Oh this? that is my mahr from my loving hubby

Did a little research:

Nikāḥ al-Mut‘ah... Financial payments may be made between the couple, usually with the male paying the female known as mahr or dower... Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
Meaning of...
Word: Mahr
Meaning: The mahr is an amount of money or property that is given to the wife by the husband as a non-returnable dowry in the marriage contract. She may use it as she wishes.
(YES I was joking! giggle)
Meaning of...
Word: Mahr
Meaning: The mahr is an amount of money or property that is given to the wife by the husband as a non-returnable dowry in the marriage contract. She may use it as she wishes.
" Originally Posted by Lilith
...and a new stage name is born for any providers working the Dearborn, Michigan area hard.
ICU 812's Avatar

I strongly urge you not to get involved in this.

"And thats all I have to say about that."
Forest Gump

I strongly urge you not to get involved in this.

"And thats all I have to say about that."
Forest Gump Originally Posted by ICU 812
Actually that is very good advice. If this went wrong, it could go VERY wrong.
I am not on BP and I got this same email. I didn't even entertain the thought

Be careful if you date a christian. They're bound to put you in the ducking pond. Or else they will denounce you as a witch, and you will be burnt and tortured.

But they won't care, they will be seeking salvation and a life of hymn singing with the angels.

Or the christian is likely to one of those jew haters like Hitler. Doing God's work and seeking revenge. Isn't that what all good church goers are meant to do?

[Jeez, some of you guys and girls, I went to watch England v. Pakistan cricket match yesterday, thousands of us enjoying a nice day out, yet here as soon as there is a mention of a muslim it is all about 9/11 and virgins. Jeez, get a life. BTW, Obama is not a muslim, that may be news to some of you, but why is it so important that he is not, when will USA have the first muslim president?].

Oh yes, one of my (English) friends married a Pakistan girl, they did it by telephone with an Iman. But that is another story.
baytownswm's Avatar
Essence, not sure exactly what your point is other than maybe equal discrimination? Although the holly rollers denounce us as sinners and push for LE to forgo robbery, murders, drug tracfficing etc.. to devote manhours and resources to shut down the hobby, christians in recent history have not set out to exterminate or convert every person and transform all governments to enforce sharia law (yeah it's probably spelled wrong). As with most of the religions in the world there are fanatics and the mainstream of all other religions will denounce and aid in weeding out the bad when they can. If the priest fondles a kid he is ousted, if the preacher gets caught screwing around he is fired. The reason I stay pissed at these guys is because they openly denounce our evil western ways and we are all going to hell, then they want to participate with loopholes installed? WTF? The we must conform or die. There is no other religion advocating this type of thought. The things you speak of are ancient history, no one burns witches or dunks them anymore and no one alive even witnessed that. Yeah you can say the crusades were much about that, but what do events from hundreds of years ago have to do with today? Only the comparison that these guys are in the stone ages.
You prove my point, you hate all muslims, and you assume every muslim you come across shares the views of the most fanatical.

That is what I was complaining about in this thread - just because somebody has some different customs, he is immediately categorised with 9/11 bombers.

Can you not see this might be a bit offensive?

I suggest you challenge yourself and do some world travel.
You prove my point, you hate all muslims, and you assume every muslim you come across shares the views of the most fanatical.

That is what I was complaining about in this thread - just because somebody has some different customs, he is immediately categorised with 9/11 bombers.

Can you not see this might be a bit offensive?

I suggest you challenge yourself and do some world travel. Originally Posted by essence
Spent a year in Afghanistan. Had great respect for many of the people I worked with that are Muslim.

In the US, we have a sense of humor and the ability to make fun of everything, even Mohamed. This is a common source of cultural conflict.

It's also a good idea in a business that carries some inherent danger to stay within what you know. Maybe since prostitution in the UK is legal or not prosecuted, this part of the equation may escape you a bit.

A provider walking into a cultural situation in which she is firmly unfamiliar carries with her an additional risk. It just does.