Being Nice just Doesn't pay sometimes...

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
That was Wimpy Burger ... Originally Posted by TerraLyn
Thats it TL!

Oohhh yea, thats the good shit right there. You never get too old to watch cartoons.
I got burned prepaying once...... It still hurts a little. Originally Posted by pfmtony
Perfect example of why the hobbyist formerly known as bbTony is LESS than useless on a board like this. Unlike the OP, who had the nerve to name the thief to the benefit of all, thfkabbTony keeps the info private. As a result, the odds of her doing it again go up exponentially. But at least he was kind enough to let us know that his wittle feelings were hurt. That's some fuckin' useful information, right there.
lgbsfu's Avatar
I likes to go swimen with bowlegged wimem Im Popeye the sailor man, TOOT TOOT.
Deals made should not be broken.
uniquemonique's Avatar
Well I think It's pretty Shit. When someone gives you their word. In these day and age. If you can't count on your word. What Do you HAVE???
NearHauteRed's Avatar
In this hobby world, someone's word is as good as a guy pissing in a 40 mph wind blowing at him thinking he will stay dry. I understand being optimistic and you want to see the good in others, but most of the time, you will get taken advantage of.
Perfect example of why the hobbyist formerly known as bbTony is LESS than useless on a board like this. Unlike the OP, who had the nerve to name the thief to the benefit of all, thfkabbTony keeps the info private. As a result, the odds of her doing it again go up exponentially. But at least he was kind enough to let us know that his wittle feelings were hurt. That's some fuckin' useful information, right there. Originally Posted by eccienewbie
It was before my days here.

It's also not someone that advertises here or is on here. If it had happened here, i know how to write an alert. You know why you and I don't get along? It's simple. You are presumptuous ass that thinks you know everything, and you think I have to do.what you tell me to do. No thanks, and piss off wanker.
#4 - Blatant insults or hostility toward another member will be met with staff intervention. This applies to using our coed forums for name calling, personal attacks, or vulgar slang terms to describe fellow members. If you have legitimate concerns about another member here, share them tactfully in the appropriate private forums or with staff.

BTW, financial issues are not Alert material. Read near the top of Alerts page.


And for the freaking life of me I don't know what Tara sees in you. I hope you arent like this to her. She deserves way better.

And let's be real clear. your post provided zero useful fucking info but was just another personal attack to me.

What are you gonna do whe I'm not around? Find someone new to bash.and continue providing zip for useful info is my guess. I love how computers give assclowns like you a spine. Later, jellyfish. When you locate an actual spine, you will find you can walk away from the computer.
Well I think It's pretty Shit. When someone gives you their word. In these day and age. If you can't count on your word. What Do you HAVE??? Originally Posted by uniquemonique
You have a lot of the men here Monique. Sad, but that's reality. Anonymity is cool, but it is a tool that brings out the worst in people not the best. Anonymity should be used with great caution and mutual respect, but in many cases it isn't.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... continue providing zip for useful info is my guess ...

... you will find you can walk away from the computer. Originally Posted by pfmtony
Boys boys boys! You two are just so irascible. Like Spy vs. Spy. Well, except for the fact that one delivers deadly blows and the other, well, mostly not.

Let's impartially scorekeep tony's two charges above. Maybe quiet this feud down a little.

zip for useful info:

Eccienewbie: 25 reviews

pfmtony: 0 reviews (aka, zip)

WINNER: obvious

walk away from the computer:

eccienewbie: average daily posts since a member: 1.439

pfmtony: average daily posts since a member: 8.034

WINNER: obvious

Such a non-conformist that tony! Rules don't apply, and clearly reason doesn't apply. Only noise applies! Posts and more posts, thats the non-conformist way. Well then, bring it some more. Noise noise noise. Whilst the clock ticks away.
In this hobby world, someone's word is as good as a guy pissing in a 40 mph wind blowing at him thinking he will stay dry. I understand being optimistic and you want to see the good in others, but most of the time, you will get taken advantage of. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Preach it!
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Boys boys boys! You two are just so irascible. Like Spy vs. Spy. Well, except for the fact that one delivers deadly blows and the other, well, mostly not.

Let's impartially scorekeep tony's two charges above. Maybe quiet this feud down a little.

zip for useful info:

Eccienewbie: 25 reviews

pfmtony: 0 reviews (aka, zip)

WINNER: obvious

walk away from the computer:

eccienewbie: average daily posts since a member: 1.439

pfmtony: average daily posts since a member: 8.034

WINNER: obvious

Such a non-conformist that tony! Rules don't apply, and clearly reason doesn't apply. Only noise applies! Posts and more posts, thats the non-conformist way. Well then, bring it some more. Noise noise noise. Whilst the clock ticks away. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Question for you: While a guy who does post reviews provides useful information about a provider that he had a session with, generally, it is his opinion of how the session went and how good/bad it may have been for him, but that is ONE provider. When he does posts on other threads, giving his opinion of how he would like to see another provider because she is pretty, has a good donation rate, ect. or giving his opinion on what makes a good session or anything else hobby related, how are his posts/opinions more useful than a guy who has also had sessions with providers, but does not care to write reviews, and he gives his opinions of the same subjects? Unless a person is on this ADULT board just to run down other people thinking it somehow makes up for the shortcomings in his life or whatever the rationale is, then everyone contributes some useful info, answer questions about the hobby in general, whatever. Reviews are good, but SHOULD BE only one of many criteria you have in seeing a provider for a session. As far as the "non-conformist" person goes, there is no rule I have read on this site that if you do not write reviews, your opinion does not matter and anything you do say will not be useful in any discussion, just a group of guys that believe that one should exist. Comments should be relevant to the topic at hand and not a personal vendetta or self boasting.

Now, back to the original topic of this thread....................Do not ever take anyone's word for it when it come to money, (written IOU's do not work either).
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... then everyone contributes some useful info ... Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
And this is where we part ways, Red. All words, thoughts, comments are not created equal, are not useful. If you were to take a writing course, perhaps the first class discussions would focus on: Why do we write (or read)? The answer would be: to inform or to entertain. Although I am certainly guilty of not always following that edict, for me that is the benchmark I use to measure a posters value. Inform or Entertain. Or be quiet then.

So some members contribute by sharing their acquired knowledge (some might call it wisdom) - insider info of places, people, systems, things. I find this information frequently interesting, occasionally valuable. Certainly worthwhile and appreciated.

And some members share through honest reviews. I saw this lady and this was my experience, the narrative shaped to primarily inform the audience and help any reader decide if this is a lady to attempt to see. I find this information essential. I make no appointment without reading many many reviews. I don't believe I am alone in my opinion.

Some members contribute by offering levity or perspective in various threads, occasionally offering nuggets from RW perspective, education or training. I enjoy levity and value real perspective, and these contributors often move along threads nicely. And stuff can be learned from reading smart educated learned people. Sometimes these smart persons turn out to be providers, and I am now intrigued and starting a research project.

And some members think they are contributing because their lips are moving. Or, in this case, their fingers are typing. I don't find this type of information to be either informative or entertaining. I place posters like tony in this category. Lots of noise. Little substance. I gleaned nothing meaningful about a lady or the hobby or life in general. Just blah blah blah.

I hope this answers your question, Red. A much longer answer than I am accustomed to. But you sounded earnest and so I paid you in kind.
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 10-17-2013, 10:21 AM
So a gentlemen called " Somelikehot " makes an appointment to see me a week ago. He states that he doesn't have all of my donation, but he assures me that he will on the 15th.
I was in a good mood and agreed to see him under the conditions that he pays me the rest on the 15th. Well you'll know how the story goes. Except this one has his " Wife " supposedly tex me and say a bunch of stupid ridiculous shit.
Just to get out of paying me for services rendered. Just goes to show you....TRUST no one..... Originally Posted by uniquemonique
Sorry that happened to you Monique.
Getting burned sucks and especially when you have a trusting nature and want to believe people will do the right thing. I got burned recently by a provider I didn't really expect would do it, but it happens.

Currently the provider(s) I see have a private residence so it's not an issue. But I remember a few years ago I was seeing somebody at a no-tell and she asked for part of the donation up front so she could get the room. I gave her the full amount, not just enough for the room and this was our first visit. I trusted her and I was rewarded. We had a great relationship for a couple of years after that. What would have been the worst that would have happened? She could have taken my $200 and vanished and I'd be out some money. I'd come on here and write an alert and then move on. If the same situation came up again I'd probably do the same thing. I'm not going to change my trusting nature because of the actions of one person. I won't let somebody have that kind of impact on me.

As a provider it's probably not the best business practice to do what you did. But then again you are who you are and evidently you want to believe people will do the right thing.

My point to all of this rambling: I don't remember now.............

Oh! Maybe my point was don't beat yourself up over this because while it could have been prevented by refusing to see him, you took a chance on somebody and got burned a little. That's on him not you!
NearHauteRed's Avatar
..........I hope this answers your question, Red. A much longer answer than I am accustomed to. But you sounded earnest and so I paid you in kind. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
It does........If most or all of a member posts are done out of spite, self loathing or just being a general ass, then that person is not a useful member to this site. Those people may think it is entertaining, but only to them and others like them. Reviews are a useful tool, but in my opinion, should not be the only tool you use in determining which provider you will and will not see.

UniqueMonique: the silver lining is this cloud is that you did get some of the money as opposed to him doing a session and afterwards, gave you his world he will pay double the next time he sees you for a session. And since you revealed his handle, it is pretty safe to say that many providers have either put him on their "DNS" list or "get the full amount beforehand" list. If he has a p411 profile, be sure to let Gina know this as well.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... you took a chance on somebody and got burned a little. That's on him not you! Originally Posted by L.A.
Well said, L.A. And something I might have said myself on my previous post had I not been busy yakking off-topic. Apologies to you, Miss Monique.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
....If a member posts' are done out of spite, self loathing or just being a general ass,

Sure. Of course this is a very slippery slope, trying to determine with any degree of accuracy the motivations of another. Particularly on the internets, wouldn't you agree? (or do you have special powers?)

... Reviews are a useful tool, but in my opinion, should not be the only tool you use in determining which provider you will and will not see. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed
Without Premium Access, thus without the ability to read the ROS, how would you know how valuable the reviews are, or are not? And, I never suggested they are, or should be, the only tool. Just that I would not see a lady without reading several first.