Sick of Tattoos!!!

NearHauteRed's Avatar
Many is the time some dancer looking like the tattooed lady from the circus side show has come to the table where my friends and I sit. We always thank her politely, buy her a drink, send her on her way... and then bust out laughing.

I agree with the comment that pointed out that having class isn't about having no tattoos. You can have no tattoos and still have no class. Sadly you can't have tattoos AND Class... and those who don't know why, don't have class, and never will understand. Originally Posted by trouble-shooter
Like I said, your opinion is your opinion and you have every right to it, but there are lots of folks that would beg to differ with you about having no class (couth) just because you have tats, however, did you know that there are folks out there that do not have tats nor class either?
Being a mature provider, and having seen plenty of women my age who have tattoos older than my children, I can say that I am glad I NEVER got a tat.
I have chimed in on many threads about ladies and tattoos, and my feelings are still the same. The ink, when its fresh, can be beautiful. I've seen some works that would seriously be considered works of art. However, oil on canvas is one thing, ink on flesh is another thing altogether.
Ink fades with time, and then life leaves its presence as well. Childbirth, weight gain and loss, trauma like accidents. God forbid someone tattoos the name a long gone lover on their body!
I understand the desire to be free to express yourself, but will that desire translate when the sands of time blast at all those pretty colors!
To each his own ....some could say that your a real ass wipe for posting this but then again each their own....wht you you think is ugly is beautiful to another, but your choice of words are really childish..muess its true what they say the older you get you start deteriating back to childish ways!!!! You could have simply gone into iso and put in a request for a provider with no tattoos fact you wouldn't have been the first one.. I suppose maybe you choose to act this way for attention!!! You know how when your a kid and don't get the attention you want...lmao,so bad attention is better then no attention at all......mhaha good luck with your prejudice prick
trouble-shooter's Avatar
Like I said, your opinion is your opinion and you have every right to it, but there are lots of folks that would beg to differ with you about having no class (couth) just because you have tats, however, did you know that there are folks out there that do not have tats nor class either? Originally Posted by NearHauteRed

Perhaps you didn't see the line where I said,
"You can have no tattoos and still have no class".

See, even you and I can agree on something...
Luke Skywalker's Avatar
Such an old beat up discussion. It is a matter of taste. Grow up people.

I used to be against it. Till I met my ATF. Tatoos on her look just great. I love it.
Well to each their own wht you think is ugly another finds beautiful...but your choice of words were so rude mean and childish...when all you had to do was leave an iso thread whichyou should be educated enough as a hobbiest to know...instead of being an ass wipe and causing a spectical... but maybe its true what they say when you get older you resort back to childish ways,and since you cnt get the attention you want negative attention is better tghen no attention at all,lmao ,good luck on your search you prejudice prick

P.s. for nicolet we don't all age the same ,keep thzdt in mind.....I'm glad I don't have huge knickers so they don't hang like yours.....isntba nice thing to say huh? You never think all of us are the same I'm in great shape for my age and love all my ink..and I'm not thru.......and all the colors renstill there just lime they were years ago....maybe you should go get one .....oh wait but then troyble shooter won't have any one to visit...
NearHauteRed's Avatar
Perhaps you didn't see the line where I said,
"You can have no tattoos and still have no class".

See, even you and I can agree on something... Originally Posted by trouble-shooter
I think you answered that question then.................where we disagree is having tattoos is not a determining factor if a person has class or not, and if your thinking is that is tats = no class, then you have not been taught very well about that definition. You may have business dealings with people that you consider have lots of class, otherwise you would not do business with them, but if they took off their clothes, you might see some tattoos.
trouble-shooter's Avatar
To each his own ....some could say that your a real ass wipe for posting this but then again each their own....wht you you think is ugly is beautiful to another, but your choice of words are really childish..muess its true what they say the older you get you start deteriating back to childish ways!!!! You could have simply gone into iso and put in a request for a provider with no tattoos fact you wouldn't have been the first one.. I suppose maybe you choose to act this way for attention!!! You know how when your a kid and don't get the attention you want...lmao,so bad attention is better then no attention at all......mhaha good luck with your prejudice prick Originally Posted by kianna pleasure

Actually, I've always viewed "Polite Platitudes" as simply another form of lying. I long ago learned that if you wish to be heard say whet you mean, and don't waste anyone's time being polite, instead try being honest.

I always remember the look of shock on the old woman's face who said to me, "you're a little heavy, aren't you?" I looked her straight in the eye and said, "No ma'am. I'm fat. I passed a little heavy several years ago." She looked like she soiled herself.

I worked for a decade as a Broadcast Journalist, up close with the politicians of this world. It led me to develop a strong distaste for liars.

If I say something, you can be assured it is the truth. It may not be polite, it may not be fancy, it may not be pretty. But it will be the truth. To me, that is worth more than all the fine lines of verse by William Shakespeare.

More simply, a rose is a rose, is a rose...
and a lump of sh*t, is a lump of sh*t, is a lump of sh*t...

To all the women who have ever said, "I want a man who is honest"...
Here's a chance to put your money where your mouth is.
or better yet, to put your mouth where my money is...
trouble-shooter's Avatar
I think you answered that question then.................where we disagree is having tattoos is not a determining factor if a person has class or not, and if your thinking is that is tats = no class, then you have not been taught very well about that definition. You may have business dealings with people that you consider have lots of class, otherwise you would not do business with them, but if they took off their clothes, you might see some tattoos. Originally Posted by NearHauteRed

As I mentioned elsewhere, I was a reporter for years, and the politicians I dealt with had NO class, and the thought of seeing any of them without their clothes would make me sick for reasons that have NOTHING to do with tattoos...

Just the thought of Hilary Clinton naked... someone get me an airsick bag... please
trouble-shooter's Avatar
Well to each their own wht you think is ugly another finds beautiful...but your choice of words were so rude mean and childish...when all you had to do was leave an iso thread whichyou should be educated enough as a hobbiest to know...instead of being an ass wipe and causing a spectical... but maybe its true what they say when you get older you resort back to childish ways,and since you cnt get the attention you want negative attention is better tghen no attention at all,lmao ,good luck on your search you prejudice prick

P.s. for nicolet we don't all age the same ,keep thzdt in mind.....I'm glad I don't have huge knickers so they don't hang like yours.....isntba nice thing to say huh? You never think all of us are the same I'm in great shape for my age and love all my ink..and I'm not thru.......and all the colors renstill there just lime they were years ago....maybe you should go get one .....oh wait but then troyble shooter won't have any one to visit... Originally Posted by kianna pleasure

Which do you resent more, the "spectical', as you put it, that I caused, or that there might be people out there who disagree with you?

Modern Psychologists seem to divide those who get tattoos into one of three classes.

The first, is the self haters, who finds there body and /or life inadequate, and tries to improve it with superficial things like tattoos, body piecing, etc.

The second, is the sheep, the lemming. The individual so lacking in a personal sense of self that they merely follow along, getting a tattoos (or whatever) simply because it's what their friends, or co-workers do, or it's what they feel they are 'expected' to do.

The third, are the attention getters. These are the individuals who select tattoos as a way to try and stand out. A desperate cry for attention, and approval from a world they feel ignores them.

How do you classify yourself, and how does it make you feel?
I'd really be interested to know.
I'm from the deepest south and I'm sick of people stuck on confederate flag waving....

Weird isn't it?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
It is pretty funny that this clown has a confederate flag as his avatar and he wants to lecture people about class, or lack thereof.
It is pretty funny that this clown has a confederate flag as his avatar and he wants to lecture people about class. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

NearHauteRed's Avatar
Let me show you an example of what I am talking about:

Am I the only guy here sick to H*ll of tattoos?!

I haven't posted in years, most of my posts were on the old ASPD, and I hate to come back on such a negative note, BUT I HATE TATTOOS!!!

Every time I see a beautiful woman take off her jacket to reveal arms, shoulders or chest covered with tattoos I want to puke...

I used to get a lot of sensual massages in Austin, San Antonio, Houston, Corpus Christi (all before I moved to DFW Area), but I just can't relax looking up at a woman, who got so many tats she looks like the side of a city bus, and the women in this area are lousy with barf inducing body art, and I sure don't want to be touched by any of them, after they have caught whatever disease they will catch off the dirty needles of the losers that pass themselves off as "Tattoo Artists".

Artists? I've created better works of art taking a leak in the snow.


Somebody tell me where I can get a hot sensual massage from a woman who doesn't look like a walking billboard or a warning sign from the Health department.

Ladies, If you're going to scar your body and waste your money on tattoos, try getting one that says "I'm broke" because you sure won't be getting any of my money. Originally Posted by trouble-shooter
I'm not mad... I just want to find a provider that has a body that doesn't look a cheap ass flame paint job on an old 'chevy out of Paco's Paint and Body shop in Tijuana.

You want to get jabbed a thousand time by a drunk with a dirty needle, go for it.
Just don't be surprised when no one wants to spend money on your ugly ass...

In most every town I've lived in, there has always been AT LEAST one Strip club that didn't hire dancers with tattoos.
It's called... Class.

I guess that's what I'm looking for.
I'm just looking for some providers with Class... and tattoos ain't it! Originally Posted by trouble-shooter
the above bold statements show no class

Maybe you do not know how to post where you show a little tact, maybe try this:

"Ladies and Gentlemen: I am looking for providers that have no ink in their skin as I prefer to spend my hard earned money on girls that do not have tattoos. Nothing against the providers that have tats, but my preference is none. If you know of a provider(s) that do great sensual massages and does not have tattoos, please let me know. Thank you". Kinda like what kianna pleasure said in post #21
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Saying that "you can not have class if you have a tattoo" has got to be the dumbest fucking thing I have heard in a long time. Honestly it is borderline retarded.